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  2. What does the flag of India represent? The saffron, white, and green stripes of the flag of India represent distinct values of the country. They are said to stand for, respectively, courage and sacrifice, peace and truth, and faith and chivalry.

    • Flag

      guidon. banner. flag, a piece of cloth, bunting, or similar...

    • Overview
    • Origins
    • Forms and functions

    flag, a piece of cloth, bunting, or similar material displaying the insignia of a sovereign state, a community, an organization, an armed force, an office, or an individual. A flag is usually, but not always, oblong and is attached by one edge to a staff or halyard.

    The part nearest the staff is called the hoist, and the outer part is called the fly. A flag’s length (also called the fly) usually exceeds its width (hoist). The main portion of the flag, constituting all or most of its area, is called the field or ground. In addition, flags often have a design element in the upper corner of the hoist, called the canton, which is distinct from the field. Flags of various forms and purpose are known as colours, standards, banners, ensigns, pendants (or pennants), pennons, guidons, and burgees.

    Flags recognizable as such were almost certainly the invention of the ancient peoples of the Indian subcontinent or what is now China. It is said that the founder of the Zhou dynasty in China (1046–256 bce) had a white flag carried before him, and it is known that in 660 ce a minor prince was punished for failing to lower his standard before his superior. Chinese flags had devices such as a red bird, a white tiger, or a blue dragon. They were carried on chariots and planted upon the walls of captured cities. The royal flag, however, had all the attributes of kingship, being identified with the ruler himself and treated with a similar respect. It was thus a crime even to touch the flag-bearer. The fall of the flag meant defeat, and the king would rarely expose his flag and his person together, the flag being normally entrusted to a general.

    Flags had equal importance in ancient India, being carried on chariots and elephants. The flag was the first object of attack in battle, and its fall would mean confusion if not defeat. Indian flags were often triangular in shape and scarlet or green in colour, with a figure embroidered in gold and a gold fringe. If those and the Chinese flags had a common origin in the standards of ancient Egypt and Assyria (standards, in that sense, meaning solid objects, such as metal animals, attached atop poles), then they might have developed from the streamers often attached to the pole. That possibility gains some likelihood from the fact that some Indian flagstaffs were surmounted by a figure similar to that displayed on the flag itself. Mughal royal insignia included, however, other things besides the flag, more especially yaks’ tails and the state umbrella. Flags seem also to have been used, in India as in China, for signaling, and there is an instance of a white flag being used as a signal for a truce as early as 1542 ce. Indian and Chinese usage spread to Myanmar (Burma), Siam (now Thailand), and other parts of southeastern Asia. Flags with a background of white, yellow, or black silk are mentioned, with devices (an elephant, a bull, or a water hen, for example) embroidered on them in gold. A Siamese treatise on war gives the impression that the flags were unfurled as the march began.

    Flags were probably transmitted to Europe by the Saracens, and the prohibition in Islam against using any identifiable image as idolatrous influenced their design. They are often mentioned in the early history of Islam and may have been copied from India, but Islamic flags are greatly simplified and appear to have been plain black or white or red. Black was supposed to have been the colour of the Prophet Muhammad’s banner—the colour of vengeance. A black flag was used by the ʿAbbāsids in 746 ce (ah 129), the Umayyads choosing white by contrast and the Khārijites red. Green was the colour of the Fāṭimid dynasty and eventually became the colour of Islam. In adopting the crescent sign, however, about 1250, the Ottoman Turks apparently were reverting to an Assyrian sacred symbol of the 9th century bce and probably of greater antiquity than that. The crescent moon, with or without an additional star or stars, has since become the accepted official symbol of Islam.

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    In Europe the first “national” flags were adopted in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Many of the leaders of that time adopted the flag of their patron saint to represent their country. In England, for example, the Cross of St. George was adopted in the 13th century. Toward the end of the Middle Ages, flags had become accepted symbols of countries, kings, organizations, cities, and guilds. Guild flags bore obvious devices. For example, a black flag with three white candles represented the candle makers of Bayeux, France.

    In Europe, flags were subdivided according to their shape and purpose into standards, banners, guidons, pennons, and streamers. There were also many flags of a personal, family, or local significance that were of a different, and usually more complex, pattern. Of the main types, the standard was the largest and was intended, from its size, to be stationary. It marked the position of an important individual before a battle, during a siege, throughout a ceremony, or at a tournament. For the monarch it marked the palace, castle, saluting base, tent, or ship where he or she was actually present. Standards were also used at first by the greater nobles, whose personal insignia they bore. They were originally long and tapering toward the fly, ending in two points. Banners were square or oblong and were borne in action (as the standard was not) before royal and noble warriors down to the rank of knight banneret. Those again bore the personal or family device. The guidon (a word derived from the French guyd-homme) was similar to the standard but was rounded in the fly or had two swallow tails, both rounded. Guidons were borne by leaders in battle who were of no more than knightly rank and so not entitled to display a banner. The pennon, a small triangular flag, was carried by each knight on his lance. One purpose of the pennon was to obviate accidents in much the same way as does a red flag tied to a long pole or rod that extends beyond the tailboard of a truck. But the pennon served also to strike terror into the enemy and to denote rank.

    The streamer (now known as a pendant, or pennant) was a long tapering flag, 60 to 18 feet (18 to 5.5 metres) long and about 24 feet (7 metres) broad at the hoist, ending in two points. Because of its great length, almost its only use was at sea. In the 15th century it was flown from a pole rising above the fighting top, later from the yardarm or topmast. It came eventually to distinguish the warship from the merchantman and, more specifically, the warship in commission from the warship laid up in harbour. The pennant is white in the British Royal Navy, with a St. George’s Cross near the hoist, and denotes a warship in commission, being hoisted when the captain assumes command.

    The flag over the centuries has developed many special uses. The black flag in days gone by was the symbol of the pirate. Throughout the world a yellow flag is the signal of infectious illness. A ship hoists it to denote that there are some on board suffering from yellow fever, cholera, or some such infectious malady, and it remains hoisted until the ship has passed quarantine. The flag is also hoisted on quarantine stations. The white flag is universally used as a flag of truce.

    At sea, striking, or lowering, the flag denotes surrender. When the flag of one country is placed above that of another, the victory of the former is denoted. Hence, in time of peace it would be an insult to hoist the flag of one friendly nation above that of another. Each national flag must be flown from its own flagstaff. To denote honour and respect, a flag is “dipped.” Ships at sea salute each other by “dipping”—i.e., by running the flag slowly down from the masthead and then smartly replacing it. When troops parade before a sovereign or other reviewing officer, the regimental flags are lowered as they salute. A flag flying at half-mast is the universal symbol of mourning. A ship’s signal of distress is made by hoisting the national ensign reversed—i.e., upside down.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  3. The National Flag of India is a rectangular flag consisting of deep saffron, white and green colours with a 24-spoke wheel (the Ashoka Chakra) in navy blue at its centre. It became the official flag of India on 15 August 1947.

    • National Flag. The National Flag is a horizontal tricolour of India saffron (kesaria) at the top, white in the middle and India green at the bottom in equal proportion.
    • National Anthem. The National Anthem of India Jana-gana-mana, composed originally in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore, was adopted in its Hindi version by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem of India on 24 January 1950.
    • National Song. The song Vande Mataram, composed in Sanskrit by Bankimchandra Chatterji, was a source of inspiration to the people in their struggle for freedom.
    • State Emblem. The state emblem is an adaptation from the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. In the original, there are four lions, standing back to back, mounted on an abacus with a frieze carrying sculptures in high relief of an elephant, a galloping horse, a bull and a lion separated by intervening wheels over a bell-shaped lotus.
  4. › wiki › FlagFlag - Wikipedia

    A flag is a piece of fabric (most often rectangular) with distinctive colours and design. It is used as a symbol, a signalling device, or for decoration.

  5. Apr 26, 2024 · What is Flag Symbolism? The term 'symbol' stems from the ancient Greek word symbolon, signifying a token or mark of identification. A potent symbol can stand in for complex ideas, values, or cultural heritage. This is precisely what we find in flag symbolism. From the colours chosen to intricate patterns and images, every element tells a story.

  6. Nov 18, 2023 · Flags serve as powerful symbols of cultural and national identity, encapsulating the values, history, and aspirations of a country or community. The colors, symbols, shapes, and patterns on flags hold deep cultural significance and convey important messages about the represented culture.