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  2. "We Can Just Put it Right Back in There", a full Ghostbusters Reconstruction with deleted scenes, alternate takes and unused music is available here: https:/...

    • 6 min
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    • Fool With a Guitar
    • Overview
    • List of Deleted Scenes
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    Ghostbusters Movie Deleted Scenes are scenes and different takes of parts of the first movie that have appeared. Both North American DVD release and Blu-ray feature 10 clips, and the Laser Disc featured 2 clips (one being different from the 10 on the others). Until they were included on the 35th anniversary Blu-ray edition in 2019, four scenes were...

    Officially Released

    •Nobel Prize Aspirations •Stake •Dana •Honeymooners •Ecto-1 Parking Ticket •Winston •Bums •Pulling Up To Fort Detmerring •The Fort Detmerring Ghost •Louis Encounters Woman •Louis Encounters Muggers •Busy •Promotion •E.P.A. •Puft Hat •"No Louis!"

    Not Yet Released

    •In the Preview Cut, included for the first time in the Ghostbusters Ultimate Edition in 2022: •Ray's high altitude rock-fall version is present instead of the mass sponge migration. •After Ray asks everyone if they smell something, he asks Egon if he detected any jumps in valences. Egon replies he has not. Peter jokingly asks if there is a library coffee shop. Their discovery of the slimed card catalog scene follows. •At around the 16:45 mark, after Peter tells Ray and Egon they will become rich beyond our wildest dreams, Ray is concerned people will be too afraid to report a ghost. Peter quips no one ever advertised before. •At around the 16:55 mark, more of the opening scene with the real estate agent is shown before the final version of the scene. The agent mentions So, there is another substantial work area in the basement before talking about office space, sleeping quarters and showers on the next floor. The agent states the property is 10,000 square feet total. Egon clarifies it is 9,655.44 square feet. She asks Peter if Egon is his accountant? He jokes Egon is his dad. Peter's comment about it being a little pricey follows. •At around the 18:04 mark, after Peter tells the agent they are buying the firehouse, the agent asks what the name of their new business is. She is told it is Ghostbusters. She remarks the firehouse is the perfect place for it. •At around the 22:25 mark, after Ray lists off all the things that need to be fixed on the Cadillac, Peter asks if it has tires. Ray confirms there are four. Peter look at the lights and comments they don't make them anymore. •At around the 26:40 mark, after Peter calls the Ghost Sniffer one of their toys, he compliments Dana's taste as he looks around the apartment then looks in the bedroom. •At around the 27:10 mark, there is a bit more of Peter and Dana entering the kitchen. •At around the 28:02 mark, when Peter goes to check the refrigerator, Dana corrects him and tells him to open the top part. Peter does so then is aghast by all the junk food. •At around the 28:54 mark, the deleted scene "Dana" plays. •At around the 30:47 mark, after being forced out into the hallway, Peter remarks, "God, what a woman." •At around the 32:34 mark, there is a bit more of Ecto-1 driving out of the Firehouse. •At around the 32:50 mark, Peter steps out of Ecto-1 outside the Sedgewick. •At around the 36:50 mark, after Ray tells Peter the ghost won't hurt him, Peter asks him how he knows. Ray admits he is just guessing. Peter asks him to say that again. He does. They ask each other where they were. Slimer charging and Peter screaming follows. •At around the 37:50 mark, after Egon radios Ray, Peter jokes he is dying to dance with Slimer. The Ghostbusters talking to the manager before they close the ballroom doors follows. •At around the 38:57 mark, after Peter takes the table broke the chandelier's fall, Ray notes they can fix it. Egon warning them about crossing the streams follows. •At around the 41:02 mark, after Egon tells Ray he is looking into the Trap, Peter tells Slimer he shouldn't have slimed him. Ray instructing them he is going to close the Trap follows. •At around the 41:34 mark, when Peter steps out of the ballroom, Peter instead shouts, "We had some fun, but we gotta go. It's all taken care of." instead of the "We came, we saw..." line. •At around the 42:00 mark, after Ray calls Slimer a real nasty one, Peter adds it was so nasty that was the only reason they're charging for it. Peter calculating the cost of entrapment follows. •At around the 42:36 mark, the Ghostbusters head outside back to Ecto-1 and talk to the reporters waiting outside. Pieces of this scene show up during the first montage in the final version of the movie. Reporters asks to see what is in the Trap and what happened. When asked for proof, Peter states the Sedgewick Hotel is paying them $5000 for the job then goes into pitchman mode and states ghosts exist they are everywhere, are providing their service to all the people in the tristate area 24 hours a day, seven days7 a week, no job is too big, no fee is too big, and are ready for everything. He states, "We have the tools, we have the talent. We are the brave, the best, the only..." and the Ghostbusters in unison shout, "Ghostbusters!" Roger Grimsby's report follows. •At around the 43:45 mark, after Roger reports about ghost sightings coming from the entire tristate area, he says it seems everybody is willing to bring old ghosts and skeletons out of the closet. Throwing it to the reporter in New York follows. •There several extra bits of footage during the first montage in the Preview Cut: •At around 44:06, Ecto-1 parks at 5th Avenue & East 50th Street. •At around 44:29, Ecto-1 drives by a bicyclist. •At around 44:40, Janine brings a tired Egon coffee while he works on a Particle Thrower. •At around 44:50, Egon is eating take out as the customer brings roast duck to Peter and Ray. •At around 44:57, Ray walks up the steps from the 16 East 63rd Street building with a full Trap to Peter and Egon on the sidewalk. •At around the 45:02 mark, the Ecto-1 Parking Ticket deleted scene plays. •At around the 45:39 mark, Egon fixes the roof rack on Ecto-1. •At around the 45:51 mark, Egon tests the voltage on a Trap while Ray pushes buttons on a machine then drinks a beer. •At around 46:02, there is a confused blonde in the sleeping quarters after the guys leave on a call. Peter sleeps on Ray shoulder as he drives back to the Firehouse. The Ghostbusters walk to the sleeping quarters, still in their flightsuits. They check under the hood of Ecto-1 while in the city. Egon's "I got it!" scene is followed by a shrug. Janine finds Egon asleep against a microscope. •At around the 47:04 mark, there is a longer scene with Larry King. This was from the August draft when Larry questions if the Ghostbusters should be carrying around unlicensed proton mass drivers and then a female caller tells him she thinks Egon was right in the interview last night about the world being in store for a "psychic shock" because her aunt reads coffee grounds. •At around the 47:32 mark of the Preview Cut, the deleted scene "Winston" is followed by the shot seen in the final version of fans coming up to Peter and Ray outside the Firehouse. They take the Traps out then walk inside. When Ray hires Winston on the spot, the cut goes straight to him showing Winston how to empty a Trap into the Containment Unit then the Lincoln Center scene follows. •At around the 51:10 mark, after Dana calls the Violinist of the finest musicians in the world, Peter asks if he is dying or something. She refers to the Violinist as a close friend then asks Peter if he has any information for her case. Peter suggests telling it to her in private in fine restaurant with a nice bottle of wine. She asks him to tell her now. Peter jokes he will have to cancel the reservation then tells her about Zuul. He asks her if she ever read the Roylance Guide. She quips he got the last copy before she could. Peter then tells her the name Zuul refers to a demigod worshiped around 6000 BC. After Peter shouts he will see her Thursday and they're read and eat, he also states he will dress casual then compliments what she does with her look. It is followed by the Violinist asking Dana who the hell he is. After Peter remarks the Violinist looks pale, he suggests a vacation to someplace nice like the Sandwich Islands then tells Dana bye and he will see her Thursday. Janine telling Peter about Peck follows. •At around the 1 hour, 7 minute mark, a longer version of the deleted scene "Louis Encounters Woman" appears. •At around the 1 hour, 10 minute mark, after Janine tells Egon she thinks he is going to die, he remarks she has nice clavicles then the phone rings. When Egon asks Peter why he is calling, Peter asks him if he remembers Dana Barrett, "The attractive cellist who came into our office a while back?" Egon recalls. Peter jokes she's ripe for the Bronx Zoo then the line about 300cc's of Thorazine follows. •At around the 1 hour, 17 minute mark, after Janine predicts this is the sign they are going out of business, a firefighter asks Egon if the residue contains PCB or tailings from styrene esters. Egon replies, "No." He asks if there are any Polyfluoric groups. He is also asked if any kind of solvents or any kind of concentrated sulfurs are stored in the firehouse. Ray swears and tells Winston to come one. Janine, wearing a fireman's jacket, starts to give her statement to an officer. Ray being informed the storage grid blew follows. After Peck states the explosion was a direct result, he is called a fascist. The Ghostbusters insist on finding possessed Louis and describe him as "a little guy with a very determined look on his face." Peck does not listen and accuses them of using drugs. Egon's "Your mother!" follows. There is a bit more of the Zombie Taxi Driver driving away, causing cars to crash and a motorcyclist to lose control. Slimer's reappearance is followed by the hot dog cart rolling away. Possessed Louis steps on gunk just before the appearance of the Subway ghost followed by a few more shots of scared citizens. •At around the 1 hour, 21 minute mark, in place of Ray's "You never studied" line is "You didn't study one word, did you?" and after the "She barks, she drools" line is "It's a freak show with the girl. Every night is Halloween. You know girls like that? That's all. It's just unusual. I like to go hang out and watch." Egon telling him it's not Dana, it's the building follows. •At around the 1 hour, 23 minute mark, the section starts with people leaving 550 Central Park West in droves followed by possessed Louis arriving and looking up. •At around the 1 hour, 23 minute mark, after the Archbishop comments the Church won't comment on the religious implications, he mentions people have been lining up in every church in this city to confess and take communion so they had to put on more priests. The Archbishop confessing he thinks it's a sign from God follows. •At around the 1 hour, 28 minute mark, after Mayor Lenny asks him what they need from him, Peter asks he just let them kick some ghosts. The deleted scene "Busy" follows. •At around the 1 hour, 23 minute mark, there is a shot of paramedics rolling a victim out of 550 Central Park West on a stretcher. After Peter introduces Ray, he tells some citizens they will have a drink after. He compliments an outfit. The deleted scene "Promotion" follows. •At around the 1 hour, 33 mark, the Ghostbusters piece together what happened after they climb out of the hole then do the hand stack. •At around the 1 hour, 35 mark, there is a bit more when Peter tells everyone to go ahead of him. Egon tells Peter to go ahead. Dana and Louis turning into Terror Dogs follows. •At around the 1 hour, 42 minute mark, after Gozer tells them to choose and perish, Peter is confused by "Jews and berries" and wonders if it is talking to them. Peter telling Gozer they don't understand what "choose" means follows. •At around the 1 hour, 43 minute mark, there is more footage of people running in terror and cars crashing as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man approaches. Ray remarks he was on the all the packages then talks about Camp Waconda. The deleted scene "E.P.A." follows then Peck sees Stay Puft step on St. Patrick's. •At around the 1 hour, 45 minute mark, Ray's line of "Funny us going out" is instead "Funny, huh? Kind of a bad way to go out. Killed by a 100-foot tall marshmallow man." After Egon estimates a slim chance of survival, it is commented they'll be together. Winston griping it isn't worth $11,500 a year follows. •At around the 1 hour, 46 minute mark, marshmallow residue lands on the Ghostbusters. •At around the 1 hour, 47 minute mark, the Ghostbusters calling out to each other is extended. •At around the 1 hour, 51 minute mark, Winston takes Peter's Proton Pack off as they walk outside to the cheering crowd.

    •Ghostbusters: Afterlife utilized some deleted material from the first movie and made them effectively canon.

    •The deleted cameo of Geneviève Robert, Catherine Reitman, and Jason Reitman portraying tenants fleeing from 550 Central Park West. In Ghostbusters: Afterlife, the scene appears when Gary Grooberson shows Phoebe Spengler and Podcast uploaded recordings about the Manhattan Cross-Rip of 1984.

    •Ghostbusters Movie Scripts

    •Ghostbusters II Deleted Scenes

    •Ghostbusters (2016 Movie) Deleted Scenes

    •Ghostbusters: Afterlife Deleted Scenes

    1.Spook Central Recording of "Lost 1984 Footage" panel with Jason and Ivan Reitman panel at Ghostbusters Fan Fest, 18:37 mark

    2.JTFPod YouTube "Ivan Reitman & Jason Reitman - Full Interview" 24:53-25:53 11/12/2021

  3. Feb 17, 2017 · Long lost Ghostbusters deleted scenes have been uncovered in reels from Ivan Reitman's personal collection.

  4. It's hard to imagine that a movie as well known and dissected as 'Ghostbusters' can show us anything new, but according to the film's production company, some previously unreleased footage from...

  5. Feb 21, 2008 · Deleted Scene from the film Ghostbusters (1984).Scene Cemetery: Leaving City Hall

    • 59 sec
    • 106K
    • Gh0stbustersFan
  6. Nov 24, 2021 · One scene that Ivan Reitman deleted from the 1984 Ghostbusters movie HAD to make it back into Afterlife. And it's in there!