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      • When we say someone is “out of your league,” we’re referring to how attractive someone is. But it can also be a combination of wealth, social status, and looks, or simply your belief that they are better than you in some way. As shallow as the idea of “leagues” are, the truth is that we all size people up.
  1. People also ask

  2. I'm tall and chubby (6'4", 280), but, my girlfriend is short, fit, tone (5'5", 120, former OC lifeguard), and is tons out of my league. Don't get insecure about this -- she likes you for who you are -- even if it's a bit of a doughboy façade.

    • Overview
    • Figuring Out Her "League"
    • Showing You're Interested With Body Language
    • Approaching the Woman
    • Gauging Her Interest

    A girl or woman being "out of your league" means different things to different people. Conventionally, this phrase primarily refers to looks and whether or not the woman you're interested in outranks you. However, most women won't completely discount you just based on how you look. In other words, the only way you can tell if you're out of a women'...

    One criteria often used to judge "leagues" is a person's monetary worth. Of course, plenty of poorer people date richer people, but more often than not, people tend to date and marry within their social or economic class. Therefore, if she has a lot more money than you do, she may decide you're not in her league.

    Use visual clues to help you decide her socio-economic status. If she's wearing designer clothes, expensive jewelry, and a high-end handbag, those are good indicators she has some money.

    If you know the woman, think about the people she's dated in the past. Has she dated people who had a significantly different income than she did? That can also help you judge.

    That doesn't mean you shouldn't approach her if you think she's richer than you. For one, she may have just figured out how to appear richer than she is. For another, you should let her decide what makes you in or out of her league.

    Flash a smile to get her attention.

    One of the first steps to

    is to flash her a big, genuine smile. You can even do it across the room. Besides engaging her, it makes you appear like a happier person. It also makes her feel like she's winning something because a smile from someone else registers as a reward in the brain.

    Starting a conversation with her is really the only way you'll be able to tell if she considers you in her league or not.

    It's often easy to tell if a smile is genuine. Try to make it reach your eyes. You can also show your teeth.

    If you want to show someone you like them, you can't be timid about it. Many people have a hard time telling when someone is flirting with them because it is so subtle and because not everyone flirts in the same way. Therefore, to make sure she knows, you have to be confident and use confident body language.

    Talk to her to figure out if you're in her league

    You're never going to be able to tell if she's out of your league or not if you don't talk to her. You may feel awkward walking up to her, but all you need to do is get a conversation going. You don't have to actually hit on her. Opening a conversation is much more effective than a pickup line at gauging someone's interest.

    Pick something simple to start the conversation. Ask her about what she's drinking or the music playing. You could say something like, "Isn't this song great?"

    You can also try to get her to put the spotlight on herself, so she's not judging you. You could say something like, "What an interesting drink choice. What do you like about it?"

    is to ask a small favor of her. You don't have to ask her to run out to the corner store for you or anything like that. Rather, just ask her something small, such as asking her to pass a straw.

    You could also say something like, "Would you mind moving your bag so I can sit here?"

    Watch for negative body language.

    By opening the conversation, you've invited her to determine if you're in her league or not. One way to tell if she's interested is to watch her body language. Her body language will say much about what she's thinking, even if she doesn't want to verbalize it. For instance, she may try to create more space between you two by stepping back.

    She may also lean away, look away, or pull a bad face.

    You may also notice she has "closed" body language, where she crosses her arms or legs and turns away from you. She may also use her purse as a shield, of sorts, holding it in front of her body.

    If she shows signs of nervousness, such as rubbing her eyes, scratching her nose, or rubbing the back of her neck, that could also be a sign she isn't interested in you.

    Look for positive body language.

    • 214.6K
  3. Oct 17, 2023 · Unveiling the truth behind the 'out of my league means' concept in relationships, supported by expert opinions and scientific data.

    • Liz Fischer
    • Believing in a Hierarchical System (And How to Break It) The fundamental error in the "she is out my league" mentality lies in the assumption of a hierarchical system.
    • Letting Self-Doubt Rule Your Actions (Embrace Confidence Instead) The belief that "she is out my league" often comes from a place of self-doubt and insecurity.
    • Misunderstanding Attraction (It's More Than Just Looks) The idea that someone might be out of your league often stems from a narrow understanding of attraction, focusing mainly on physical appearance.
    • Ignoring Personal Growth (And Why It's Essential) Adhering to the belief that "she is out my league" may be a sign of stagnation in personal growth.
  4. I say this to say: while you may feel she's "out of your league," the reality is she may feel like you're "out of her league" in terms of questioning whether or not she'll be able to display enough of her feminine characteristics to impress YOU.

  5. Aug 30, 2024 · Can a girl be out of your league? A girl can be out of your league if you believe them to be better than you in terms of looks or any other issue you put heavy importance on. However, everyone has their flaws, so it can be a good idea to focus on them and remember them so you realize that the girl of your dreams is not perfect.

  6. Mar 30, 2023 · What Happens When Someone Dates Out of Their League. "I always questioned why he would like me." Posted March 30, 2023 | Reviewed by Michelle Quirk. Key points. Desiring partners who are about...