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  1. What better luck could a man have: Buckley, having found a spear from a burial mound and used it as a walking stick, was being mistaken as the reincarnated warrior of the tribe, and was joyfully welcomed and adopted into the family of the tribe.

  2. I felt like before season 3, they were getting to some story about Buckley that they decided to scrap. Mai ling realized he had a “type” for prostitutes as she waited for him. If I recall correctly, the type is red heads. They showed a scene with him washing one of the prostitutes hair.

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Appearances
    • Behind the scenes
    • References

    " Chief, you've been at it a long time. 25 years. My point is, a man of your experience knows that from time to time, our courts, judges-- our laws can fail to deliver true justice. At those times, it falls to us in the executive branch to pick up the slack, as it were."

    —Buckley to Chief Flanagan

    Early life

    Buckley fought for the Confederacy in the American Civil War, where he suffered severe damage and had to have his leg amputated.

    Advising the Mayor

    Buckley joins Mayor Blake and his wife, Penny, for breakfast to inform the mayor that two chinamen were killed last night; they were working on the Merriweather building, and a couple of labor thugs smashed their heads in with hammers. Mayor Blake wants to keep this as quiet as possible, meaning having to speak with Merriweather himself. In an attempt to better police Chinatown, Buckley and Chief Flannagan have formed the Chinatown Squad, with Sergeant O'Hara set to lead. Buckley rendezvous with Mai Ling, with whom he's apparently been meeting with regularly. She informs him that Long Zii intends to reach out to Father Jun to make peace, which doesn't serve either of them. With that said, Buckley will expedite the opium delivery, which her men can pick up tomorrow. Buckley also warns Mai Ling that he can take her out of the opium business just as fast as he brought her in. Buckley and Blake meet with Byron Mercer to discuss how he's losing money while waiting for Mayor Blake's order. He made purchases based on the assurance that he would be awarded the exclusive contract to lay cable-car tracks across the city. If Mayor Blake doesn't come through with the order soon, Byron will be ruined. Buckley counters that Byron's company was already teetering prior to the mayor's assurances. Byron suspects that they intend to pull the rug from under him, but Mayor Blake insists that isn't true and that it's just taking them a bit longer than expected to get the funding approved. After Mercer leaves, Mayor Blake asks what exactly is the hold up. Buckley explains that he's simply doing his diligence. Buckley urges Mayor Blake to pick a side in regards to Chinese labor and the Chinese in general, but Blake fears that condemning the Chinese, their greatest and cheapest resource, in public speech, would anger Merriweather, who would pull his support. Buckley tells Mayor Blake that he can only play the middle for so long, and eventually he'll have to pick a side. Buckley has another meeting with Mai Ling, where they discuss the mayor and Buckley's ability to aim the metaphorical hammer that is eventually going to fall on Chinatown and the tongs. Mai Ling assures him that she will hold up her in, but in the meantime, all she needs from Buckley is a greater police presence against the Hop Wei. In addition to, she'll need another shipment of opium, promising Buckley that soon the streets of Chinatown will flow with blood.

    War on Chinatown

    Buckley pays Chief Flannagan a visit regarding Ah Sahm's release after the courts failed to convict him of double murder. They have a very angry constituency demanding justice. From times to time, their courts can fail to deliver true justice. And when that happens, it's up to them to pick up the slack. With violence in Chinatown on the rise, Buckley explains that the mayor would like to send a message. Buckley finds Mayor Blake at Ah Toy's whorehouse, which just so happens to be the target of a raid by the police department. Mayor Blake and Buckley then follow the officers back to the police station after the raid, where they reveal to the press that this raid will be one of many as part of the Chinatown initiative. They even get a photo for the newspaper with the Chinatown squad and Chief Flannagan, as they cut off the queues of the Chinese men they've arrested. Mayor Blake and Deputy Mayor Buckley meet with Senator Crestwood after the bombing in Chinatown. With the recent events, not to mention the prostitution and gang wars, the senator is worried about the citizens of San Francisco. He wants to put an end to immigration and had a hand in drafting the Exclusion Act, but there is some strong opposition, which is why Crestwood intends to run for President, but it won't look good for him if citizens are being slaughtered in his own state. Mayor Blake gives his full support and plans to double their efforts in Chinatown. Despite scolding Mayor Blake for the bombing in Chinatown, Senator Crestwood privately tells Buckley that it feeds his agenda perfectly, and soon enough, Buckley will be applying his efforts alongside Crestwood in D.C. Buckley and Mayor Blake get word of the war in Chinatown between the rivaling tongs. It would take a small army to establish true law and order, which they don't have. Buckley argues that the Exclusion Act is the only other solution, with Crestwood being the right man to deliver it. However, Blake isn't sure that he wants to back Senator Crestwood's play against the Chinese. Buckley advises Blake to take a stand and pick a side.

    Season 1

    •The Itchy Onion •There's No China in the Bible •John Chinaman •The White Mountain •The Blood and the Sh*t (credit only) •Chewed Up, Spit Out, and Stepped On •The Tiger and the Fox (credit only) •They Don't Pay Us Enough to Think •Chinese Boxing •If You're Going to Bow, Bow Low

    Season 2

    •Learn to Endure, or Hire a Bodyguard •The Chinese Connection •Not How We Do Business •If You Don't See Blood, You Didn't Come to Play •Not for a Drink, a F*ck, or a G**damn Prayer (credit only) •To a Man with a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail (credit only) •If You Wait by the River Long Enough •All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic •Enter the Dragon (credit only) •Man on the Wall

    Season 3

    •Exactly the Wrong Time to Get Proud •Anything Short of a Blow to the Head •No Time for F*cking Chemistry

    •Buckley is portrayed by Langley Kirkwood.

    1.Season 2, episode 8: 2.Season 1, episode 1: 3.Season 1, episode 2: 4.Season 1, episode 3: 5.Season 1, episode 4: 6.Season 1, episode 5: 7.Season 1, episode 7: 8.Season 1, episode 9: 9.Season 1, episode 10: 10.Season 2, episode 1: 11.Season 2, episode 2: 12.Season 2, episode 3: 13.Season 2, episode 4: 14.Season 2, episode 7: 15.Season 2, episode 1...

  3. Female character for the show, romantic partner for Buckley, someone for Buckley to confide in (she took over that role from Gumm). If Buckley goes for Govenor, maybe we'll learn more about her.

  4. Maybe this is a case of "I missed that day in history class," but my husband was also confused - why was it such a big deal that Mr. Buckley fought for the Confederacy? It was openly known that Lee was from Georgia and that was fine, so why does Mai Ling have so much leverage over him with that information?

  5. Aug 17, 2023 · As the Secret Service prepares to raid the Long Zii territory, Bill is reluctant to go forward with it, knowing that Buckley keeps the police out from that part of Chinatown, but Moseley and Lee convince him. As Bill informs Buckley, the latter can’t do much except ensure that Mai Ling remains free.

  6. People also ask

  7. Jul 27, 2023 · Buckley inches closer to winning the election. Mai Ling prepares for her wedding, and Strickland and Leary gradually expand their influence in San Francisco. Here is everything you might want to know about the ending of ‘Warrior’ season 3 episode 7.