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  1. The present county capital of Tolung Dechen is located at Namka Ngoshi, a rapidly developed town one kilometer beyond the Dongkar intersection. Some of the famous destinations in Tolung Dechen county are Tserphu monastery, Nenang Monastery, and Yangpachen hot spring.

  2. The Treasury of Lives is a biographical encyclopedia of Tibet, Inner Asia, and the Himalaya. Most biographies are peer reviewed.

  3. Lama Yeshe was born near the Tibetan town of Tolung Dechen, and was sent to Sera Monastery in Lhasa at the age of six. He received full ordination at the age of 28 from Kyabje Ling Rinpoche. Jeffrey Paine reports that Lama Yeshe deliberately refused to complete his geshe degree, despite having studied for it:

  4. Doilung Dechen District is celebrated for its six extraordinary valleys, each offering a unique natural allure. Among them, the Chamugou-Tsurphu Hiking Tour Route, meticulously designed by the County Tourism Bureau, is a standout.

  5. Gadong Monastery is a Geluk monastery founded in the eleventh century by Zingpo Sherapa and located in Tolung Dechen county in near Lhasa. Tsongkhapa is also believed to have meditated in a nearby cave.

  6. Doilungdêqên District is a district in Lhasa, north-west of the main center of Chengguan, Tibet Autonomous Region. It is largely agricultural or pastoral, but contains the western suburbs of the city of Lhasa. The Duilong River runs southeast through the district to the Lhasa River. A prehistoric site appears to be 3600–3000 years old.

  7. Doilungdeqing District, a vibrant gateway to the wonders of Tibet, boasts an extensive transportation network, encompassing highways, local roads, and railways, ensuring that tourists can explore its rich cultural and natural attractions with ease.