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  1. Jan 3, 2024 · Control, or rather, seeking to have control, is a form of anxiety. It is rooted in the default, and often unconscious belief or feeling that “I am not going to be okay” or “Things will not be...

    • Engage in Self-Care
    • Change Your Perspective
    • Control Things You Can Change
    • Be Confident in Your Decisions
    • Talk It Out
    • Pick Up A Hobby
    • Think Positively

    It is perfectly okay to take some time for yourself. In fact, doing so offers many benefits. For instance, a study involving medical students found that when they engaged in self-care, they were better at managing stressand had an improved quality of life. Effective self-care strategiesinclude: 1. Exercising regularly 2. Eating healthy meals 3. Get...

    Rather than viewing your life as out of control, it may help to develop an “it is what it is” perspective. This does not mean accepting poor treatment. Instead, it involves letting go of control and not fixating on achieving specific outcomes, which can life lead to greater life satisfaction.

    Even though we may not have control of everything in our lives, we do still have control of some things. Work on changing the things in life that you do have control over, like going to the gym more often, eating fewer sweets, or removing a toxic person from your life.

    Life can feel out of control when you are constantly worrying and wondering if you are making the right choices. We tend to want to make sure we get it just right, almost perfect—but nothing will ever be perfect. Take pride in what you created for your life and, if you made a few bad decisions, learn from them and move forward. Use your mistakes to...

    If you feel overwhelmed and stressed, it can be beneficial to talk about what may be making you feel this way. Whether you speak with a loved one or find a qualified therapist, it's helpful to have someone with whom you can voice your concerns and worries. They can help you deconstruct your feelings and sort them out accordingly.

    Hobbies are a great way to take your mind off of things you can’t change. Whether you start going for a daily walk, get into woodworking, or begin keeping a journal, picking up a hobbymay help you to feel a bit of an escape from life's challenges.

    Strive to think positively. Life won’t always feel this way. So, practice focusing on what is going well in your life and aim to be thankful for the things you do have. It’s also important to remember that sometimes you have to take the bad with the good. Do your best to be appreciative of challenging situations in your life because they can be a c...

  2. One of the most effective ways to regain control over our mental well-being is by learning how to stop worrying about things we can’t control. It’s a powerful skill that allows us to focus on the present moment and direct our energy towards more productive and fulfilling endeavors.

    • Obsession, or an endless thought loop that leaves you exhausted. When I find myself writing “I’ll not control my family. I’m not in charge of anyone else” repeatedly, it’s probably a sign of anxiety and not a reaffirming practice to let go.
    • Avoidance, or ignoring what you need. Even though I want to feel less alone, less crazed, and know that I’m not the only one to go through this … when anxiety takes over, I avoid talking it out.
    • Overplanning, or trying to control the uncontrollable. Sometimes my “helpful” ways become bossy and don’t consider the logistics of planning, especially when it comes to a family gathering.
    • Restlessness, or not being able to sleep. The more tired I get, the more I ponder a million details per minute. This inability to rest and stop worrying can be a giant sign that things are out of control.
    • Sian Ferguson
    • Addressing your mindset. A cognitive distortion is a persistent thought that isn’t grounded in reality. Cognitive distortions make you see things more negatively than they really are.
    • Identifying what you can control. The opposite side of the control fallacy is the idea that you can’t control things you can actually control. For example, you might blame external forces, such as fate or other people, for things in your life that you could actually change.
    • Practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness refers to focusing on the present moment, where you are, and what you’re feeling right now. Concentrating on your surroundings might take your mind off of things you can’t control in the moment.
    • Using deep breathing. Consider using deep breathing exercises when you’re feeling overwhelmed by things you can’t control. Deep breathing might be able to soothe anxiety by taking you out of the fight, flight, or freeze mode and activating the parasympathetic nervous system.
  3. May 10, 2024 · 1. Identify what is and isnt in your control. Accept that some parts of life are beyond your power to change, no matter how much you may wish otherwise. Instead of resisting or denying this fact, accept situations for what they are without judgment or attachment.

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  5. Mar 13, 2024 · Letting go of control isn't always easy, particularly when we face uncertainty. However, letting go of control can actually help bring a greater sense of peace. Plus, releasing the things you truly can't control can give you more time and energy to focus on the things that you can.