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    The inscription renders the word dharma in Sanskrit as eusebeia in Greek, suggesting dharma in ancient India meant spiritual maturity, devotion, piety, duty towards and reverence for human community. [37]

  3. Dharma in Sanskrit comes from the root ‘dhri’ meaning ‘to uphold’ and is symbolized by a pillar. It refers to the spiritual, ethical and natural principles that uphold the entire universe. Dharma has always been linked to Veda or vidya, which refers to an inner capacity to perceive the nature of things.

    • परिचयः ॥ Introduction
    • व्युत्पत्तिः ॥ Etymology
    • धर्मपरिभाषा ॥ Definition of Dharma
    • Dharma Is Not Religion
    • धर्मोत्पत्तिः ॥ Origin of Dharma
    • धर्मविस्तृतिः ॥ Scope of Dharma
    • धर्ममूलानि ॥ Fundamentals of Dharma
    • धर्मसंस्कारः || Inculcation of Dharma
    • धर्मनिष्ठायाः प्रयोजनं महत्त्वं च || Need and Importance of Adhering to Dharma
    • संहृतिः ॥ Synopsis

    Every civilization has a characteristic way of living (जीवनशैली) on the basis of which the perspectives of life that the civilization is founded upon are formed. Underlying this way of living and the perspectives of life lie the perspectives about the world ie. vishva drshti (विश्वदृष्टिः । worldview) and tattvajnana (तत्त्वज्ञानम् - foundational p...

    The word Dharma is derived from the root ’धृ’ which means to hold.Apte Sanskrit dictionary explains the word dharma as Meaning: That which supports or holds together everyone and everything. In short, Dharma is ‘that which holds’ 1. this world 2. the people of the world or 3. the whole creation from the microcosm to the macrocosm It is the eternal ...

    There is no proper equivalent word in English for the Sanskrit term Dharma. With its rich connotations, Dharma is not translatable to any other language. It would also be futile to attempt to give any definition of the word. It can only be explained.It takes many English words to describe the concept of Dharma. 1. It is generally defined as ‘the pr...

    It is paradoxical that the word 'dharma' is being translated as religion and vice-versa. The word religion may at most be translated as ’Mata’ (मतम्) or 'Sampradaya' or 'Pantha'. In view of the translation of the word religion as Dharma, many translate the word Secularism as 'Dharma Nirapekshata'. Dr. L.M. Singhvi says, This misinterpretation of Dh...

    Dharma was formulated as the solution to the eternal problems confronting the human race, originating from natural human instincts.Manusmriti says, Meaning: There is no act of man which is free from desire; whatever a man does is the result of the impulse of desire. Therefore, the source of all evil actions of human beings was traced to the desire ...

    As expressed before, Dharma is a Sanskrit expression of the widest import. It has a wide variety of meanings. And few of them enable us to understand the range of that expression.For instance, the word 'Dharma' is used in the context of 1. Principles of Justice (न्यायः | Nyaya). 2. What is right in a given circumstance. 3. Virtue or Moral values of...

    While Dharma touches on a wide variety of topics, the essence of Dharma common to all human beings is also declared in various works. Truthfulness, to be free from anger, sharing wealth with others (samvibhaga), forgiveness, procreation of children from one's wife alone, purity, absence of enmity, straightforwardness and maintaining people dependen...

    The mere knowledge of the rules of Dharma, however, does not make a man 'Dharmishta' i.e. a man acting always in conformity with Dharma. Therefore, Dharma has to be ingrained in the mind of every individual from childhood. Just as triple antigen for giving immunity to the body against dreaded disease has to be administered to a young child, for giv...

    Sarvajna Narayana in his inimitable style, in the "Hitopadesha" (words of wisdom), expounds the distinction between human beings and animals and says that man's legitimate claim to superiority over the animals would be valid only if he conforms to Dharma. He says, Meaning: Consumption of food, sleep, fear and enjoyment of physical pleasure are comm...

    We see everyday human beings indulging in all sorts of crimes, misappropriation, corruption just to achieve their selfish purposes. This ultimately ruins them and their families and also adversely affects the society as a whole. Every individual should, therefore, by constant effort, regulate his mind, speech and action so that he does not inflict ...

  4. Apr 24, 2017 · Dharma is one of those Sanskrit words that defy all attempts at an exact rendering in English or any other tongue. In the hymns of the Rig-Veda ( ऋग्वेद ) the word Dharma seems to be used either as adjective or a noun (In the form "DHARMAN" (धर्मान्) generally NATURE of things and comes at least 56 times.

  5. Sep 19, 2024 · Dharma (धर्म) is the name of a deity who received the Sahasrāgama from Bhīma who in turn, received it from Kāla through the mahānsambandha relation, according to the pratisaṃhitā theory of Āgama origin and relationship (sambandha).

  6. dharma-vit—knowing the religious principles SB 6.5.31 dharma-vit—one who is actually advanced in religious principles SB 7.15.11 dharma-vit—completely aware of religious principles SB 8.18.28 dharma-vit—aware of all religious principles SB 9.18.32 dharma-vyatikarah—violation of religious principles SB 4.19.35

  7. Dharma (Sanskrit: "way of righteousness." From dhri, " to sustain; carry, hold. ") refers to the underlying order in nature and human life and behavior considered to be in accord with that order.