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  1. › wiki › Angel_JohnAngel John - Wikipedia

    Angel John offers him two destinies, the first one is a life filled with good and bad events and the second one being a life with only happiness and he can live the way he want. Angel John also predicts that Maradonna will die aged 66 if he chooses the first offer.

  2. I believe the Angel of Destiny's offer was indeed a con. I believe everything they do is a con. They're a rampantly out-of-control clique of super-entitled megalomaniacs who almost murdered Leo out of some twisted sense of manipulation by emotional torture as being desirable and valuable.

  3. Jan 14, 2024 · Knowing that eternity awaits should spur us to consider life’s purpose and accept God’s offer of salvation through Christ. We can find hope in the promise that believers will spend eternity enjoying God’s presence in heaven. This destiny shapes how we view our present lives and motivates us to share the gospel with others. Conclusion

    • 21 Bible Verses About Destiny and Purpose
    • 4 Bible Verses on Fulfilling Your Destiny
    • 5 Bible Verses on Destiny Destroyers
    • What Does The Bible Say About Destiny?
    • Conclusion

    Proverbs 19:21 – God’s plan for us are different

    Solomon understood the meaning of strategic planning or planning for the future, but he also understood that human plans and what God plans for us are different. He also wanted his readers to know that only the plans of God for our lives are destined to happen. And so it is for us to realize that while it is okay to plan, ultimately, it is God who decides whether those plans align with what He has for us.

    John 16:33 – God is in control

    These words of encouragement spoken by the Lord God are ones that we can find comfort in. In this verse, we are told that we are serving an omnipresent God who knows each tear we cry or pain we feeland that everything we go through is all for a greater purpose. As the saying goes, “Everything happens for a reason.” Yes, sometimes this is a little hard to understand especially when difficult timescome and you wonder what reason could there be for you to be going through hell, but know that God...

    Isaiah 55:11 – God will win

    It is important to realize what this verse is saying, that whatever the Lord puts forth shall come to pass. The Bible says “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”This can be seen as a blessing and warning. Which means whoever abides by His Word, will reap the reward of the blessings He promised for the faithful. Every promise he laid out in his words shall not go void, but those who neglect his gospel will reap damnation. And so these words are a wake-up call for b...

    Proverbs 16:3

    This instruction is clear as day, to achieve our destiny, we have to commit our ways to the Lord Jesus Christ. Our plans will then succeed because we choose to walk in the way of the Lord, and allow His light to shine in our lives so we can see the fullness of His glory.

    Ephesians 2:10

    The Bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and this verse ties into it by saying we were fashioned in the likeness of God, created to do good work. We all have been given special gifts and assignments for different purposes. The verse tells us we are His workmanship, and His plans for our lives were known to him before birth. So we are encouraged to step into our purpose so that like a tree, we can bear good fruit.

    This verse aims to declare that a man’s steps are ordained by God. We will not always see the future as God does, but it is important to know that he will never lead us down a path of destruction. That will only happen when we choose to lean on our own understanding rather than putting God behind the wheel of our car. And so today, we should join in David’s prayer“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths,” (Psalms 25:4), so that we can be guided on our journey. It may not be eas...

    Hosea 4:6

    One of many destiny destroyers is the lack of knowledge. When we choose to reject the law of the Lord, we become enemies of the cross of Christ. This rejection will ultimately lead to our downfall.

    1Timothy 1:19

    Secondly is the lack of faith. When we lack faith in God, we eventually try to take matters into our own hands and start trusting in the destiny we want rather than what God wants for us. We also become a slave to fear.

    Proverb 29:23

    Having too much pride is also another destiny killer. This causes a person to be arrogant, and self-centered and pretty much distracts us from recognizing our true purpose and as such destroys our destiny.

    Destiny can be defined as someone’s preordained future or fate. It can also be seen as the plan of God or purpose for our lives. We can also look at destiny as a book. A book that contains different stories, plots, the good, the bad, a beginning, and an end. This book also has one author, God, and only He can write or rewrite what happens in the ne...

    These Bible verses remind us that we are all destined for greatness, and it is up to us to build a connection with Godso that His plan for lives can be revealed.

  4. Jan 14, 2024 · Angels are messengers of God who serve as intermediaries between Heaven and Earth. Archangels are the highest-ranking angels and have authority over other angels. According to Judeo-Christian traditions, seven archangels were created by God to fulfill specific purposes.

  5. Luke 2:8-20 – God visits the shepherds. John 1:14 God visits the world through Jesus. The Bible is full of stories about divine visitation and angelic encounters. From the Tower of Babel to Jesus’s Resurrection, God has orchestrated moments of connection between Himself and His people.

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  7. The angel's conclusion, these words are trustworthy and true (v. 6), recalls a similar statement by the angel at the end of the vision of Babylon and her destiny ("these are the true words of God," 19:9). It also repeats word for word the pronouncement of the one "seated on the throne" in 21:5.