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  1. The Bechuanaland Protectorate ( / ˌbɛtʃuˈɑːnəlænd /) was a protectorate established on 31 March 1885 in Southern Africa by the United Kingdom. It became the Republic of Botswana on 30 September 1966.

  2. Bechuanaland meant "the country of the Tswana ", and for administrative purposes was divided into two political entities by the Molopo River. The northern part was administered as the Bechuanaland Protectorate, and the southern part was administered as the Crown colony of British Bechuanaland.

  3. May 22, 2019 · The name “Bechuanaland” means “the country of the Tswana.” For the purpose of administration, Bechuanaland was subdivided into two; the northern portion which was the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the southern portion which was the British Bechuanaland (Crown colony).

  4. 6 days ago · The extent of the Bechuanaland Protectorate’s subordination to the interests of South Africa was revealed in 1950. In a case that caused political controversy in Britain and the empire, the British government barred Seretse Khama from the chieftainship of the Ngwato and exiled him from Botswana for six years.

  5. 6 days ago · Before its independence in 1966, Botswana was a British protectorate known as Bechuanaland. It was also one of the poorest and least-developed states in the world. The country is named after its dominant ethnic group, the Tswana (“Bechuana” in older variant orthography).

  6. In 1885 Britain occupied southern Botswana, beginning a period of colonial rule that was extended to the northern part of the country in 1890. Thereafter, until the 1966 restoration of independence, the territory was known as the Bechuanaland Protectorate. It was hoped that the word "protectorate" would reassure Batswana that they were not a ...

  7. Feb 27, 2019 · Called Bechuanaland, the protectorate was established in 1885. It brought together eight Tswana ethnic groups of varying size, some other smaller Bantu groups such as the Bayei, the Hambukushu, and the Bahero, and a collection of hunter-gatherer communities, often collectively called the San, Basarwa, or Bushmen.

  8. The Bechuanaland Protectorate was a protectorate established on 31 March 1885 in Southern Africa by the United Kingdom. It became the Republic of Botswana on 30 September 1966.

  9. Jan 1, 1989 · Between March 1885 and September 1966, Botswana was established as the Bechuanaland Protectorate by the United Kingdom. Named after the majority ethnic group, the Tswana, local rulers were ...

  10. On 30 September 1885 Goshen and Stellaland became part of the Crown Colony of Bechuanaland. After the withdrawal of the Warren Expedition, the portion of Bechuanaland south of the Molope River was declared a British colony while the northern part remained a protectorate.