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  1. May 4, 1995 · The Form I-20 (this form) is the primary document to show that you have been admitted to school in the United States and that you are authorized to apply for admission to the United States in F-1 class of admission.

  2. The Form I-20 lists your program start date, 30 days before which you are allowed to enter the United States. F-1 and M-1 student visas can be issued up to 365 days in advance of your course of study start date. Your type of student visa must match the type of Form I-20 you have (e.g., F-1 or M-1).

  3. The Form I-20 is defined by the U.S. Department of Justice (USCIS) as the Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status – For Academic or Language Students. A Form I-20 tells the U.S. government that you are eligible for F-1 Student Status.

  4. An I-20 is a U.S. immigration document issued by a university to certify that an F-1 student has met admission requirements and has proof of sufficient financial resources for his/her studies. An I-20 is required to apply for an F-1 student visa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad.

  5. Print Form I-20. You may print the Form I-20 after you have electronically submitted the Form I-20 and after you have made updates to the Form I-20. Note: Printing a copy of the Form I-20 requires that Adobe Reader Version 5.0 or later be installed on your computer.

  6. FORM 20 [See Rule 4 7] APPLI CAT ION FOR REG IS TR ATION OF A MOTOR VEHICLE (To be made in duplica te if the vehic le is held under an agreement of Hire-Purchase/Lease/Hyp oth ec ation an d dupli ca te copy w ith the endorse me nt of the Registering Author ity to be returned to the Financier si mu ltaneously o n ... 20. Cubic c ap acity : «««««««««««««« «« « «« ««««« 21. Maker ¶s classifica tion or if no t known, wh ee l base ...

  7. Jan 1, 1970 · 20, 1, soc 200 I certifr under penalty that all information provided above was entered bcfore I signed this form and is true and COTTcCt. exccutcd this form in the United States aner review and evaluation in the United States by me or other officials of the school ofthe student's application, transcripts, or other records ofcourses taken

  8. OIE advisors digitally sign the electronic I-20 form and provide the PDF file directly to students in a protected sharing format. Please note, the digitally-signed I-20 form is not a copy of your paper I-20 form.

  9. To receive a Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20 for F-1 Student Visa) you must complete and upload this mandatory visa request form. The Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions will review the information provided in your request along with other required documents.

  10. The Form I-20 is the Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status for academic and language programs. It is required to apply for an F-1 student visa and for the port