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  1. Aug 7, 2023 · We have 3 logical operators in the C language: Logical AND ( && ) Logical OR ( || ) Logical NOT ( ! Types of Logical Operators. 1. Logical AND Operator ( && ) If both operands are non zero then the condition becomes true. Otherwise, the result has a value of 0.

  2. Logical operators in C evaluate to either True or False. Logical operators are typically used with Boolean operands. The logical AND operator ( &&) and the logical OR operator ( ||) are both binary in nature (require two operands). The logical NOT operator (!) is a unary operator.

  3. Mar 8, 2023 · There are three logical operators in C programming: logical AND(&&), logical OR(||), and logical NOT (! Let's go into more detail on each one in the following sections. How to Use the AND (&&) Logical Operator in C Programming

  4. › c-programming › c-operatorsOperators in C - Programiz

    • Arithmetic Operators. // Working of arithmetic operators #include int main() { int a = 9,b = 4, c; c = a+b; printf("a+b = %d \n",c); c = a-b; printf("a-b = %d \n",c); c = a*b; printf("a*b = %d \n",c); c = a/b; printf("a/b = %d \n",c); c = a%b; printf("Remainder when a divided by b = %d \n",c); return 0; }
    • Increment and Decrement Operators. // Working of increment and decrement operators #include int main() { int a = 10, b = 100; float c = 10.5, d = 100.5; printf("++a = %d \n", ++a); printf("--b = %d \n", --b); printf("++c = %f \n", ++c); printf("--d = %f \n", --d); return 0; }
    • Assignment Operators. // Working of assignment operators #include int main() { int a = 5, c; c = a; // c is 5 printf("c = %d\n", c); c += a; // c is 10 printf("c = %d\n", c); c -= a; // c is 5 printf("c = %d\n", c); c *= a; // c is 25 printf("c = %d\n", c); c /= a; // c is 5 printf("c = %d\n", c); c %= a; // c = 0 printf("c = %d\n", c); return 0; }
    • Relational Operators. // Working of relational operators #include int main() { int a = 5, b = 5, c = 10; printf("%d == %d is %d \n", a, b, a == b); printf("%d == %d is %d \n", a, c, a == c); printf("%d > %d is %d \n", a, b, a > b); printf("%d > %d is %d \n", a, c, a > c); printf("%d < %d is %d \n", a, b, a < b); printf("%d < %d is %d \n", a, c, a < c); printf("%d != %
  5. Jun 9, 2023 · Examples of Logical Operators are : (&&, ||,!) In this, “ && ” is called AND Operator, ” || ” is called OR Operator. ” ! ” is called NOT Operator. Let’s now learn about all these operators one by one.

  6. Jul 27, 2020 · Logical Operators in C. Last updated on July 27, 2020. Logical operators are used to evaluate two or more conditions. In General, Logical operators are used to combine relational expressions, but they are not limited to just relational expression you can use any kind of expression even constants.

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  8. Logical operators in C are used to combine two or more conditions and perform logical operations using && (AND), || (OR) and ! (NOT) operators.