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  1. Gennady Korotkevich (Belarusian: ... Korotkevich said he had received job offers from Google and Yandex, but that he had turned them down and would instead continue with his degree in computer science at ITMO. In 2019, Korotkevich was a PhD student at ITMO. Career achievements. A more comprehensive list of achievements can be found at the Competitive Programming Hall Of Fame website.

  2. Gennady Korotkevich, a PhD student at ITMO University and the recent entrant of Magazine’s Top-50 People of St. Petersburg list, answered these and other questions in an interview with Prof. Anatoly Shalyto, himself a member of’s 2017 edition of the Top-50, and Lidia Perovskaya, ITMO graduate and producer of ICPC World Finals live broadcasts.

  3. Several factors contribute to why no one has surpassed Gennady Korotkevich in competitive programming: Gennady began programming at a very young age, guided by his parents who are both programmers. His early exposure and continuous participation in competitions since the age of 11 have given him a significant head start and extensive experience. His ability to consistently perform at the highest level in various competitions suggests a natural aptitude for problem-solving and algorithmic ...

  4. Mar 3, 2023 · Pretty incredibly, Gennady Korotkevich has won the title every year since 2014 – except once. Google also ran other programs: Kick Start: algorithmic programming. A program that ran for 10 years. The top competitors from the Kick Start rounds were sometimes invited to interview at Google: this series served as a direct recruitment tool. See all past problems, scorecards and analysis. Hash Code: team programming. Another contest that ran for 10 years. ... The job market for new grads: worse ...

  5. Aug 16, 2014 · Gennady has been a staple in international competitions for the last 5 years, winning the IOI twice, ranking 1st in TopCoder, etc. He's won codejam rounds before. He just became eligible for the CJ grand finals this year, and everyone knew he'd rank near the top. Edit: his social skills are fine. Don't be dicks. ... Gennady Korotkevich turned 18 this year, making him eligible to win Code Jam. He'd actually participated — and qualified for the finals — last year, but wasn't old enough to ...

  6. Therefore, it is clear from his background, Gennady Korotkevich was destined for greatness. The nature of Vladimir and Lyudmila's jobs sparked Gennady's interest. When he turned 6, Gennady quickly became fascinated by what his parents did. This interest prompted his father to design a game specifically for his son to learn how to program ...

  7. Gennady Korotkevich is a Belarusian competitive sport programmer who has won major international competitions since the age of 11, as well as numerous national competitions. His top accomplishments include six consecutive gold medals in the International Olympiad in Informatics as well as the world championship in the 2013 and 2015 International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals. As of October 2023, Gennady is the highest-rated programmer on Codeforces, CodeChef, Topcoder, AtCoder ...

  8. Aug 14, 2016 · By the age of 21 Korotkevich was familiar with almost all types of competition tasks. He has been invited to work for the largest technology companies, but decided to continue studying. Gennady Korotkevich has recently taken part in the Google programming contest, scoring 170 points out of 200 and taking the second place.

  9. Oct 25, 2009 · Gennady Korotkevich Apart from interesting problems and breathtaking competition, the algorithm contests have their own astonishing personalities. Let me introduce the today's hero: Gennady Korotkevich. ... And seeing how many big companies are valuing that skillset in job interviews, it seems important enough for education of future software engineers to maybe borrow something from the algorithm contests. Another possible direction, of course, is that algorithm contest puzzles were just ...

  10. competition hasn't been held that year, or wasn't an international championship, or we have no info about it