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  1. Sep 5, 2024 · Gothic Revival, architectural style that drew its inspiration from medieval architecture and competed with the Neoclassical revivals in the United States and Great Britain. Only isolated examples of the style are to be found on the Continent.

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  2. Gothic Revival (also referred to as Victorian Gothic or neo-Gothic) is an architectural movement that after a gradual build-up beginning in the second half of the 17th century became a widespread movement in the first half of the 19th century, mostly in England.

  3. Neoclassical architecture, sometimes referred to as Classical Revival architecture, is an architectural style produced by the Neoclassical movement that began in the mid-18th century in Italy, France and Germany. [1] It became one of the most prominent architectural styles in the Western world. [2]

    • Overview
    • Origins and development
    • From the 17th to the 19th century

    The architectural movement most commonly associated with Romanticism is the Gothic Revival, a term first used in England in the mid-19th century to describe buildings being erected in the style of the Middle Ages and later expanded to embrace the entire Neo-Gothic movement. The date of its beginning is not easy to pinpoint, for, even when there was no particular liking for Gothic, conservatism and local building practices had conditioned its use as the style for churches and collegiate buildings. In its earliest phase, therefore, Gothic Revival is not easily distinguished from Gothic survival.

    The first clearly self-conscious imitation of Gothic architecture for reasons of nostalgia appeared in England in the early 18th century. Buildings erected at that time in the Gothic manner were for the most part frivolous and decorative garden ornaments, actually more Rococo than Gothic in spirit. But, with the rebuilding beginning in 1747 of the country house Strawberry Hill by the English writer Horace Walpole, a new and significant aspect of the revived style was given convincing form, and, by the beginning of the 19th century, picturesque planning and grouping provided the basis for experimentation in architecture. Gothic was especially suited to this aim. Scores of houses with battlements and turrets in the style of a castle were built in England during the last years of the 18th century.

    With developing archaeological interest, a new and more earnest turn was given to the movement—a turn that coincided with the religious revivals of the early 19th century and that manifested itself in a spate of church building in the Gothic style. Only toward the middle of the century were the seriousness and moral purpose that underlay this movement formulated as a doctrine and presented to architects as a challenge to the intellect. Augustus Charles Pugin, in England, was the first to codify the principles of the Gothic Revival. Far more persuasive and influential exponents, however, were Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc in France and John Ruskin in England, who gave to the movement a moral and intellectual purpose. The second half of the 19th century saw the active and highly productive period of the Gothic Revival. By then, the mere imitation of Gothic forms and details was its least important aspect; architects were intent on creating original works based on the principles underlying Gothic architecture and deeply infused with its spirit.

    Another contribution that the Gothic Revival made to architecture was the encouragement of freedom and honesty of structural arrangement. Structural elements could be provided as and where they were needed. There was no need for dissimulation. French architects, in particular Viollet-le-Duc, who restored a range of buildings from the Sainte-Chapelle and Notre-Dame in Paris to the whole town of Carcassonne, were the first to appreciate the applicability of the Gothic skeleton structure, with its light infilling, to a modern age; the analogy was not lost on subsequent architects at a time when the steel frame was emerging as an important element of structural engineering. (Functionalism and structural honesty as ideals in the modern movement were a legacy of the Gothic Revival.)

    The architectural movement most commonly associated with Romanticism is the Gothic Revival, a term first used in England in the mid-19th century to describe buildings being erected in the style of the Middle Ages and later expanded to embrace the entire Neo-Gothic movement. The date of its beginning is not easy to pinpoint, for, even when there was no particular liking for Gothic, conservatism and local building practices had conditioned its use as the style for churches and collegiate buildings. In its earliest phase, therefore, Gothic Revival is not easily distinguished from Gothic survival.

    The first clearly self-conscious imitation of Gothic architecture for reasons of nostalgia appeared in England in the early 18th century. Buildings erected at that time in the Gothic manner were for the most part frivolous and decorative garden ornaments, actually more Rococo than Gothic in spirit. But, with the rebuilding beginning in 1747 of the country house Strawberry Hill by the English writer Horace Walpole, a new and significant aspect of the revived style was given convincing form, and, by the beginning of the 19th century, picturesque planning and grouping provided the basis for experimentation in architecture. Gothic was especially suited to this aim. Scores of houses with battlements and turrets in the style of a castle were built in England during the last years of the 18th century.

    With developing archaeological interest, a new and more earnest turn was given to the movement—a turn that coincided with the religious revivals of the early 19th century and that manifested itself in a spate of church building in the Gothic style. Only toward the middle of the century were the seriousness and moral purpose that underlay this movement formulated as a doctrine and presented to architects as a challenge to the intellect. Augustus Charles Pugin, in England, was the first to codify the principles of the Gothic Revival. Far more persuasive and influential exponents, however, were Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc in France and John Ruskin in England, who gave to the movement a moral and intellectual purpose. The second half of the 19th century saw the active and highly productive period of the Gothic Revival. By then, the mere imitation of Gothic forms and details was its least important aspect; architects were intent on creating original works based on the principles underlying Gothic architecture and deeply infused with its spirit.

    Another contribution that the Gothic Revival made to architecture was the encouragement of freedom and honesty of structural arrangement. Structural elements could be provided as and where they were needed. There was no need for dissimulation. French architects, in particular Viollet-le-Duc, who restored a range of buildings from the Sainte-Chapelle and Notre-Dame in Paris to the whole town of Carcassonne, were the first to appreciate the applicability of the Gothic skeleton structure, with its light infilling, to a modern age; the analogy was not lost on subsequent architects at a time when the steel frame was emerging as an important element of structural engineering. (Functionalism and structural honesty as ideals in the modern movement were a legacy of the Gothic Revival.)

    A Gothic Revival was in a sense initiated early in England during the late 16th century under the influence of Elizabethan and Jacobean notions of chivalry and again between 1620 and 1630 under the impetus of William Laud’s Anglicanism; but it is in the Gothic experimentalism of the late 17th century, particularly that of Sir Christopher Wren’s circle, in which seeds of a Gothic Revival can be discerned. Although buildings erected at these times imitated Gothic forms, none of them was revivalist in spirit. The Gothic Revival was largely conditioned by literary theory and practice. Although it had antecedents, the so-called “revolution of taste” in the mid-18th century was most clearly marked by publication of Richard Hurd’s Letters on Chivalry and Romance (1762) and Thomas Percy’s Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765). Thomas Gray, especially in his poems of the 1750s and, later, in his letters, was the first major poet to seek inspiration in a “Gothic” past—not only medieval but Celtic and Icelandic. Thomas Warton, poet and critic, acquired his interest in the Middle Ages from architecture and, in his work on medieval English cathedrals and churches, connected the literary aspect of the Gothic Revival with the work that was begun by a group of antiquaries in the late 17th century and that was continued into the 18th.

    The transition from a survival to a revival phase of Gothic architecture took place almost imperceptibly. Curiously enough, it was Sir John Vanbrugh, England’s great exponent of the Baroque spirit, who made the first successful attempt to evoke sensations of the medieval past. In 1717 he built a house for himself at Greenwich, near London, that was intended to conjure up a “castle air.” It is a simple, robust, brick building that relies for its effect on slender proportion rather than detail. But it is an isolated work of its kind.

    Only toward the end of the 18th century did picturesque take on a precise meaning, affecting the planning and the forms of English architecture. However, from the late 17th century onward, isolated gardens and estates were laid out to take advantage of the irregularity of landscape, resulting in compositions that approximated those in the paintings of 17th- and 18th-century artists such as Claude Lorrain, Salvator Rosa, and Gaspard Poussin—hence, the denomination of the style as “picturesque.” It was William Kent, in response to the literary ideal of “naturalness” of such writers as Sir William Temple, Joseph Addison, and Alexander Pope, who was first acclaimed for fashioning the picturesque landscape that was to be made famous in the 18th century by Lancelot (“Capability”) Brown and who introduced occasional buildings into it, often in a Gothic style, to serve as a focus of interest. There were, however, other precursors, notably Vanbrugh and Charles Bridgeman.

    Kent first used the fanciful Rococo “Gothick” that was to become characteristic of the 18th century in 1732, on a gateway in the Clock Tower at Hampton Court. He also reconstructed the Tudor buildings of Esher Lodge between 1729 and 1733, introducing ogee arches and quatrefoil openings. These he used again in the late 1730s in the Temple of the Mill at Rousham, Oxfordshire, where he laid out one of the first irregular gardens. The ornamental character of the Gothic Revival was thus established from the start, and it was popularized as such within a few years by Batty Langley, author of Gothic Architecture Improved by Rules and Proportions (1742). Pretensions to archaeological accuracy appear in two churches built in 1753 by Henry Keene—that at Shobdon, Herefordshire, and a charming, though now derelict, octagonal church at Hartwell, Buckinghamshire. An ardent admirer of Gothic, Keene had begun Gothicizing Arbury Hall, Warwickshire, as early as 1748. It was to the amateurs Sanderson Miller and Horace Walpole, however, that the credit for a full-scale domestic Gothic Revival was due.

    Miller, a Warwickshire squire, began about 1744 by inserting pointed arches in the south front of his Tudor house at Radway, Warwickshire. Later, he put up a garden ornament in the form of a mock Gothic castle at nearby Edgehill, the idea of which became fashionable and made a reputation for him as a designer of Gothic extravaganzas. His most significant work was Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire, the symmetrical, flattened facade of which is thinly decorated with Gothic motifs. Walpole’s Gothic, though apparently as lighthearted, was more serious in intent. When in 1747 he decided to rebuild his house, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, Middlesex, he proposed to reflect faithfully in its architecture his tastes for topography, history, and heraldry. He formed a “committee on taste” to advise him on the design. Among the members were the amateur archaeologists Richard Bentley and John Chute, both of whom provided designs. The architect responsible for the execution of most of the work was William Robinson. During the early phase of building, alterations and interior decorations were made in a pretty, decorative style, with a freedom unhampered by any serious archaeological study. Nor was there any real feeling for medieval composition in the massing of the elements. But in 1761, when a vast circular tower was added to the southwest corner of the house, Walpole gave evidence of a deliberate attempt to achieve an asymmetrical, picturesque composition. The west of the house was more freely grouped. Finally, in 1776, James Essex, probably the most earnest Gothicist of the period, inserted the Beauclerc Tower between the west end and the round tower, making the whole the first and most determined example of a large-scale picturesque composition.

    The fortuitous appearance and the deliberate irregularity of Strawberry Hill were exploited in many late 18th-century buildings. The most extravagant and sensational of all Gothic Revival buildings was Fonthill Abbey (1796–1806), Wiltshire, designed by James Wyatt primarily as a landscape feature for the arch-Romantic William Beckford. The great central tower collapsed in 1807, and most of the building has today disappeared; but, in John Rutter’s Delineations of Fonthill (1823), it is still possible to perceive something of the grotesquely spectacular quality that made this building, for a short time, notorious.

    • Palace of Westminster – London, England, UK. The Palace of Westminster is a famous work of Gothic Revival Architecture overlooking the River Thames in downtown London.
    • Hungarian Parliament Building – Budapest, Hungary. One of the nation’s most iconic structures, the Hungarian Parliament Building is a massive work of Gothic Revival Architecture overlooking the Danube River in Budapest.
    • New Town Hall – Munich, Germany. City officials in the German city of Munich were tasked with constructing a new town hall in the mid-1800s, The site of this new building overlooked the Marienplatz, which is one of Munich’s oldest and most important public spaces.
    • St Patrick’s Cathedral – New York City, New York, United States. St. Patrick’s Cathedral is one of the many incredible 19th-century Cathedrals in The United States.
  4. Aug 8, 2024 · Neoclassical architecture, revival of Classical architecture during the 18th and early 19th centuries. It is characterized by grandeur of scale, simplicity of geometric forms, Greek—especially Doric—or Roman detail, dramatic use of columns, and a preference for blank walls.

  5. Jun 16, 2023 · Sometimes referred to as classical revival, the neoclassical style was part of a prominent movement that emerged in the mid-18th century and sought to reimagine the refined simplicity of the...