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  1. Founded in 1457, the Uni­ver­sity of Freiburg is sit­u­ated in the heart of the city. As one of the ten best uni­ver­si­ties in Ger­many, of­fer­ing a full spec­trum of dis­ci­plines at eleven fac­ul­ties, we have at­tained many dis­tinc­tions for our out­stand­ing re­search and teach­ing in na­tion­wide com­pe­ti­tions.

  2. The University of Freiburg (colloquially German: Uni Freiburg ), officially the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (German: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg ), is a public research university located in Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

  3. The Uni­ver­sity of Freiburg was founded in 1457 and is one of the old­est and most renowned uni­ver­si­ties in Ger­many. With eleven fac­ul­ties, around 240 de­gree pro­grammes, and 440 full pro­fes­sor­ships as well as 32 ju­nior pro­fes­sor­ships, it cov­ers a broad in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary spec­trum with high- quality ...

  4. Search for fields and course content. You will only be shown degree programs that do not require a prior degree, i.e., all bachelor's and state examination programs that may be chosen by first-semester students.

  5. Thanks to its broad spec­trum of aca­d­e­mic fields, the Uni­ver­sity of Freiburg has great po­ten­tial for in­no­v­a­tive fun­da­men­tal re­search – both at the core of in­di­vid­ual dis­ci­plines and in col­lab­o­ra­tive in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary re­search.

  6. Despite being founded more than 550 years ago, the University of Freiburg is only the fifth oldest university in Germany. Nonetheless, its long history teaching across sciences and humanities subjects has earned its reputation as one of Germany’s elite universities worldwide.

  7. Study at the University of Freiburg. You can enroll as a degree-seeking student or study in Freiburg short-term. You are an international student who would like to study at the University of Freiburg as a full-time student and obtain a degree? Find more information here. If you are an international student who would like to study at the ...

  8. You are an international student who would like to study at the University of Freiburg? Find all the relevant information here.

  9. Re­search at the Fac­ul­ties. Fac­ulty of The­ol­ogy. Fac­ulty of Law. Fac­ulty of Eco­nom­ics and Be­hav­ioral Sci­ences. Fac­ulty of Med­i­cine. Fac­ulty of Philol­ogy. Fac­ulty of Hu­man­i­ties. Fac­ulty of Math­e­mat­ics and Physics. Fac­ulty of Chem­istry and Phar­macy.

  10. The University of Freiburg's excellence in the areas of research and teaching is regularly reflected in various national and international university rankings. As one of the five best comprehensive universities and one of the ten best universities in Germany, the University of Freiburg is a member of the LERU (League of European Research ...

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