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  1. A random forest is a meta estimator that fits a number of decision tree classifiers on various sub-samples of the dataset and uses averaging to improve the predictive accuracy and control over-fitting.

    • How Random Forest Classification Works
    • The Dataset
    • Random Forests Workflow
    • Preprocessing Data For Random Forests
    • Splitting The Data
    • Fitting and Evaluating The Model
    • Visualizing The Results
    • Hyperparameter Tuning
    • More Evaluation Metrics
    • Take It to The Next Level

    Imagine you have a complex problem to solve, and you gather a group of experts from different fields to provide their input. Each expert provides their opinion based on their expertise and experience. Then, the experts would vote to arrive at a final decision. In a random forest classification, multiple decision trees are created using different ra...

    This dataset consists of direct marketing campaigns by a Portuguese banking institution using phone calls. The campaigns aimed to sell subscriptions to a bank term deposit. We are going to store this dataset in a variable called bank_data. The columns we will use are: 1. age: The age of the person who received the phone call 2. default: Whether the...

    To fit and train this model, we’ll be following The Machine Learning Workflowinfographic; however, as our data is pretty clean, we won’t be carrying out every step. We will do the following: 1. Feature engineering 2. Split the data 3. Train the model 4. Hyperparameter tuning 5. Assess model performance

    Tree-based models are much more robust to outliers than linear models, and they do not need variables to be normalized to work. As such, we need to do very little preprocessing on our data. 1. We will map our ‘default’ column, which contains no and yes, to 0s and 1s, respectively. We will treat unknown values as nofor this example. 2. We will also ...

    When training any supervised learning model, it is important to split the data into training and test data. The training data is used to fit the model. The algorithm uses the training data to learn the relationship between the features and the target. The test data is used to evaluate the performance of the model. The code below splits the data int...

    We first create an instance of the Random Forest model, with the default parameters. We then fit this to our training data. We pass both the features and the target variable, so the model can learn. At this point, we have a trained Random Forest model, but we need to find out whether it is making accurate predictions. The simplest way to evaluate t...

    We can use the following code to visualize our first 3 trees. Each tree image is limited to only showing the first few nodes. These trees can get very large and difficult to visualize. The colors represent the majority class of each node (box, with red indicating majority 0 (no subscription) and blue indicating majority 1 (subscription). The colors...

    The code below uses Scikit-Learn’s RandomizedSearchCV, which will randomly search parameters within a range per hyperparameter. We define the hyperparameters to use and their ranges in the param_dist dictionary. In our case, we are using: 1. n_estimators: the number of decision trees in the forest. Increasing this hyperparameter generally improves ...

    Let’s look at the confusion matrix. This plots what the model predicted against what the correct prediction was. We can use this to understand the tradeoff between false positives (top right) and false negatives(bottom left) We can plot the confusion matrix using this code: Output: We should also evaluate the best model with accuracy, precision, an...

    To get started with supervised machine learning in Python, take Supervised Learning with scikit-learn.
    To learn more, using random forests (and other tree-based machine learning models) is covered in more depth in Machine Learning with Tree-Based Models in Python and Ensemble Methods in Python.
    Download the scikit-learn cheat sheetfor a handy reference to the code covered in this tutorial.
    • Adam Shafi
  2. Jan 31, 2024 · In this article, we will see how to build a Random Forest Classifier using the Scikit-Learn library of Python programming language and to do this, we use the IRIS dataset which is quite a common and famous dataset.

  3. 5 days ago · What is the Random Forest Algorithm? Random Forest algorithm is a powerful tree learning technique in Machine Learning. It works by creating a number of Decision Trees during the training phase. Each tree is constructed using a random subset of the data set to measure a random subset of features in each partition.

    • 15 min
  4. Feb 24, 2021 · It can be used for classification tasks like determining the species of a flower based on measurements like petal length and color, or it can used for regression tasks like predicting tomorrow’s weather forecast based on historical weather data.

  5. Nov 16, 2023 · In this in-depth hands-on guide, we'll build an intuition on how decision trees work, how ensembling boosts individual classifiers and regressors, what random forests are and build a random forest classifier and regressor using Python and Scikit-Learn, through an end-to-end mini-project, and answer a research question.

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  7. Apr 19, 2023 · What is random forest classifier in Python? How is it distinct from other machine learning algorithms? Let’s look at ensemble learning algorithms to find out.