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  1. S.G.G. Edgar, Craies on Statute Law (1971) Topic 1 : General (a) Nature and Kinds of Indian Laws: Statutory, Non-statutory, Codified, Un-codified, State-made and State-recognised laws; meaning and scope of ‘statute’ (b) Meaning, Object and Scope of ‘interpretation’ and ‘construction’ (c) Basic sources of statutory interpretation

  2. Interpretation of statute is the process of ascertaining the true meaning of the words used in a statute. When the language of the statute is clear, there is no need for the rules of interpretation. But, in certain cases, more than one meaning may be derived from the same word or sentence.

  3. Need For Interpretation: In his The Law-Making Process, Michael Zander gives three reasons why statutory interpretation is necessary: 1. Complexity of statutes in regards to the nature of the subject, numerous draftsmen and the blend of legal and technical language can result in incoherence, vague and ambiguous language. 2.

  4. In relation to statute law, interpretation is of importance because of the inherent nature of legislation as a source of law. The process of statute making and the process of interpretation of statutes take place separately from each other, and two different agencies are concerned.

  5. To him, Interpretation is the art of finding out the true sense of any form of the words; that is, the sense which their author intended to convey; and of enabling others to derive from them the same idea which the author intended to convey.

  6. These tools fall into the following four categories: (A) the text of the statute; (B) legal interpretations of the statute; (C) the context and structure of the statute; and (D) the purpose of the statute.

  7. INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES This book is emphasizing on developing interpretation skills in legal professionals. This book is a fundamental tool for all legal professionals. A must go through book to make clear understanding on how the statutes are being interpreted. For payment:

  8. With the emergence of legislation, interpretation of statutes has become a method by which judiciary explores the intention behind the statutes. Judicial interpretation involves

  9. doctrines to provide guidelines in the interpretation of statutes. The importance of interpretation of statutes is self-evidentiary from the fact that it in itself become a subject on law and not of law.

  10. Interpretation of statutes is the correct understanding of the law. This process is commonly adopted by the courts for determining the exact intention of the legislature.