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  1. Ashwini nakshatra is the first of the 27 nakshatras in Hindu astrology. It is located in the constellation of Aries and spans from 0°-0′ to 13°-20′ in the sign. It is represented by the horse head and is associated with the Ashwinis, the twin physicians of the gods in Hindu mythology.

  2. 4 days ago · Ashwini ("Horsewoman") (0°00' - 13°20' Aries) Each star we see in the night sky is a burning hot sun, much like our own Sun. In astronomy, the twin signs that make up the nakshatra of Ashwini are called Alpha Arietis and Beta Arietis. Indeed, the ruling deities for Ashwini nakshatra.

  3. What does the new year have in store for Ashwini Nakshatra? Reveal what the celestial bodies have planned for you in 2024. Read Ashwini Nakshatra 2024 predictions.

  4. Welcome to the Ashwini Nakshatra! (The Star of Transport) We’re excited you’re here. Lot of content about ashwini nakshatra arranged step by step. You can understand most common trade qualities of ashwini nakshatra people. But don’t judge anything by just knowing birth star. We have to look janam kundali for detailed analysis:

  5. Apr 27, 2024 · Ashwini nakshatra, which finds its location in the constellation known as Aries, is the 1 st of 27 nakshatras and is characterized by a couple of shining stars. Find your birth star using nakshatra finder. Ashwini Nakshatra July 2024. Ashwini Nakshatra Timing.

  6. Ashwini Nakshatra, the first of the 27 lunar mansions or Nakshatras in Vedic astrology, spans from 0 to 13.20 degrees in the Aries zodiac sign. Your ruling deities are the Ashwini Kumaras, twin physicians of the gods, symbolizing health, healing, and rapid assistance.

  7. Dec 11, 2023 · Ashwini Nakshatra is the first of 27 nakshatras. If you were born when the moon was between 0:00-13:20 degrees Aries, then this guide is for you. You’ll learn all about your characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, compatibility, ideal careers, and more. Recommended: Learn more about your moon sign, Aries.

  8. Ashwini Nakshatra is the first star in Vedic astrology. It denotes divine twin physicians called Ashwini kumaras, who are goldenly armored, horse-headed twins or two youthful physicians to Celestial beings and Gods.

  9. Ashwini Nakshatra (Moon Sign Based) Ashwini is symbolized by the golden armored horse-headed twins. It is ruled by Ketu & is known as the physician of the Gods. Ashwini are pioneers of initiating new work & possess speed & vitality.

  10. Ashvini Nakshatra - Ashvini is the first Nakshatra (lunar mansion) in Vedic astrology ranging from 0° to 13°20' Mesha. Symbol - The symbol of this Nakshatra is Head of a Horse including the stars β and γ Arietis.

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