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  1. Feb 12, 2017 · Rill erosion is a type of erosion that results in small, yet well defined streams. It happens when water from rainfall does not soak into the soil, but runs across it instead. The rills or small channels (often only 30cm deep) are caused when water running across the surface of the ground gathers in a natural depression in the soil, and erosion is concentrated as the water flows through the depression.

  2. Oct 16, 2023 · What is Rill Erosion? The signs of rill erosion appear mainly on hills, and appears as a 0.3 to 3.9-inch deep set of channels that run parallel but may converge at some points. Runoff water forms these channels as it concentrates and then flows down a slope. There is a distinct flow pattern to rill erosion which means that the water runs ...

  3. Dec 30, 2019 · In rill erosion finger like rills appear on the cultivated land after it has undergone sheet erosion. These rills are usually smoothened out every year while forming. Each year the rills slowly increase in number become wider and deeper. Gully erosion is the removal of soil along drainage lines by surface water runoff. When rills increase in size, they become gullies. Once started, gullies will continue to move by headward erosion or by slumping of the side walls.

  4. Nov 21, 2023 · Rill erosion is a type of erosion that causes shallow, curvy, parallel channels to form in the soil. The channels are small in size, and the new rills that are very shallow are known as microrills ...

  5. Water erosion is the removal of soil by water and transportation of the eroded materials away from the point of removal. Water action due to rain erodes the soil and causes activities like gully, rill, and stream erosion leading to the downstream effects of flooding and sedimentation.

  6. Jan 1, 2021 · Rill erosion modelling is a fundamental part of slope-scale erosion prediction, providing a theoretical basis and references for soil erosion investigation and erosion risk assessment. Some commonly used models for rill prediction are listed in Table 4. Most of the currently available soil erosion models have been developed to estimate soil loss amount and formulate conservation measures.

  7. Aug 7, 2013 · Rills are frequently observed on slope farmlands and rill erosion significantly contributes to sediment yields. This paper focuses on reviewing the various factors affecting rill erosion processes and the threshold conditions of rill initiation. Six factors, including rainfall, runoff, soil, topography, vegetation and tillage system, are discussed. Rill initiation and network are explored. Runoff erosivity and soil erodibility are recognized as two direct factors affecting rill erosion and ...

  8. Sep 15, 2023 · Rill erosion occurs due to concentrated rather than shallow flow (Fig. 2.1). Runoff water that concentrates in small channels erodes soil at faster rates than interrill erosion. The force of flow and the soil particles creeping along the rill bed enlarge the rills. Rill erosion is the second most common pathway of soil erosion. The rills are easily obliterated by tillage operations but can cause large quantities of soil loss, especially under intensive rains.

  9. Abstract. In this chapter, multiple sets of data collected from both closed (with artificial boundaries) and open plots (without artificial boundaries) are used to investigate soil and water loss caused by sheet and rill erosion. In particular, the effects of slope gradients (ranging from 5° to 30°), land use, and soil crusting on soil and ...

  10. Aug 1, 2013 · The contributions of rill erosion ranged from 36% to 62% of the cumulative soil losses for Anthrosol, while the maximum contribution of rill erosion to the cumulative soil loss was only 37.9% for ...

  11. Rill erosion results from the concentrated flow of water in small streams. These small streams are normally started by rainfall and carry soil with them. Rill erosion is the second phase in the process of erosion as a whole. 3. Gully Erosion. Gully erosion describes the detachment and transportation of soil by larger streams of water. It digs at least one-foot deep channels in the soil. It is virtually impossible to smooth over these channels by normal agricultural mechanisms.

  12. Oct 15, 2020 · For rill erosion, the measured cumulative rill erosions for the three successive rainfalls are 156, 333, and 363 kg, respectively, while the simulated values are 164.0, 332.5, and 378.9 kg, respectively, by the present model. The maximum relative difference is less than 5.1%, which shows that the present model is able to simulate runoff and soil erosion processes on evolving rilled hillslopes.

  13. Rill Erosion. Rill erosion is a form of water erosion in which the erosion takes place through numerous narrow and more or not so straight channels called streamlets or head cuts. Rill is the most common form of erosion, which you can also observe during heavy rain. Gully Erosion. Gully erosion occurs due to the runoff of surface water, causing the removal of soil with drainage lines. Gullies when started once, will move by headward erosion or even by slumping of side walls unless and un ...

  14. Jun 1, 2021 · Rill erosion—a type of erosion that results in small yet well-defined channels—typically smaller than gully erosion channels. After some time, rill erosion may fade away or, in more serious ...

  15. Water erosion can be classified as splash erosion, sheet erosion, rill erosion, gully erosion, stream bank erosion, sea-shore erosion and land slide erosion. They are discussed as follows. 3.3.1 Splash Erosion: It is also known as raindrop erosion (Fig. 3.1) because it is caused by the impact of raindrops on exposed soil surface. The process of ...

  16. Rill erosion results from the concentration of surface water (sheet erosion) into deeper, faster-flowing channels. As the flow becomes deeper the velocity increases detaching soil particles and scouring channels up to 30cm deep. Rill erosion represents the intermediate process between sheet and gully erosion. Particular concern in raised bed ...

  17. Apr 23, 2024 · Rill erosion describes erosion that takes place as runoff develops into discrete streams (rills). Finally, gully erosion is the stage in which soil particles are transported through large channels . Gullies carry water for brief periods of time during rainfall or snowmelt but appear as small valleys or crevasses during dry seasons .

  18. › wiki › RillRill - Wikipedia

    Significance of rill erosion Landscape shaped by rill erosion. Volgograd Oblast, Russia. Although rills are small, they transport significant amounts of soil each year. Some estimates claim rill flow has a carrying capacity of nearly ten times that of non-rill, or interrill, areas. In a moderate rainfall, rill flow can carry rock fragments up to 9 cm in diameter downslope. In 1987, scientist J. Poesen conducted an experiment on the Huldenberg field in Belgium which revealed that during a ...

  19. Measuring and mapping excessive linear soil erosion features: rills and gullies. Mahboobeh Kiani-Harchegani, ... Afshin Ghahramani, in Precipitation, 2021. Rill erosion Definitions and characteristics. Rill erosion is a process that starts with the detachment of soil particles and then transports of the sediment particles by a channelized flow (Di Stefano, Ferro, Palmeri, & Pampalone, 2017; Wirtz, Seeger, & Ries, 2012).It refers to several small channels on the slopes with more than 10 m ...

  20. Sheet and rill erosion is the physical removal of soil from the land surface by the action of rainfall, melting snow, irrigation, and/or runoff. Sheet and rill erosion is not always readily visible, even when soil loss exceeds unsustainable levels. The loss of only 1/32 of an inch can easily represent more than 5 ton/acre soil losses. Symptoms of soil erosion by water may be identified by small rills and channels on the soil

  21. Following are the important causes of soil erosion: Rainfall and Flooding. Higher intensity of rainstorms is the main cause of soil erosion. Four types of soil erosion are caused by rainfall: Rill erosion; Gully erosion; Sheet erosion; Splash erosion; The raindrops disperse the soil, which is then washed away into the nearby streams and rivers.

  22. Oct 8, 2010 · Rill erosion modeling implications based on these data are presented in part 2 of this study. 1. Introduction [2] Lal estimated the global land area affected by severe erosion to be nearly 1100 Mha. A large portion of this area is either arable land or land that is desert, and by comparison the forested area affected by water erosion is relatively small. However, much of the world depends on forested areas for clean water for drinking and agricultural use, and forest disturbances that ...

  23. 1 day ago · Accurately monitoring the morphology and spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of the entire process of slope erosion rill development is essential to circumvent the limitations inherent in traditional methods that rely on average flow velocity for hydrodynamic parameter calculations. This study employs an environmental chamber and a self-developed slope erosion test device to perform erosion tests on slopes with varying gradients and rainfall intensities. By integrating the structure ...

  24. Oct 1, 2007 · The relationship between rill erosion on the one hand and slope gradient and length on the other hand as de\rived from field observations agrees well with a simple rill hydraulics–sediment detachment model derived from empirical results using unit length shear force as a predictor. The main advantage of using shear stress or shear force as a predictor is that it is possible to directly account for variations in geometry. Stream power may also allow good predictions, but a separate ...

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