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  1. Erlang is a general purpose or you might say a functional programming language and runtime environment. It was built in such a way that it had inherent support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. Erlang was originally developed to be used in several large telecommunication systems.

  2. › erlang › htmlErlang Tutorial

    Erlang is a general purpose or you might say a functional programming language and runtime environment. It was built in such a way that it had inherent support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. Erlang was originally developed to be used in several large telecommunication systems.

  3. This section is a quick start tutorial to get you started with Erlang. Everything in this section is true, but only part of the truth. For example, only the simplest form of the syntax is shown, not all esoteric forms. Also, parts that are greatly simplified are indicated with manual.

  4. 1.1 Introduction. This is a "kick start" tutorial to get you started with Erlang. Everything here is true, but only part of the truth. For example, I'll only tell you the simplest form of the syntax, not all esoteric forms.

  5. Learn You Some Erlang is an easy-going tutorial which takes a day or two to get through. Alternatively, there's a spartan online tutorial. Any of the Erlang books can also be used as tutorials. The Erlang distribution includes a step-by-step getting started guide. This is also online.

  6. Interactive tutorial that allows you to try the power of Erlang directly in your browser. Erlang examples. 10 Erlang one liners to impress your friends. Dabbling in Erlang - minimal introduction - Part II. Solving Embarrassingly Obvious Problems In Erlang. Learn Erlang in Y minutes. Systems that run forever self-heal and scale.

  7. Best and Up-To-Date erlang tutorial covering most of the basics and advanced programming closely similar to the official erlang website manual (

  8. Erlang is a distributed parallel process oriented, functional programming language. In 2018, the popular site StackOverflow rated Erlang as the highest paying programming language in the US, and among the highest in the world.

  9. An Erlang tutorial for beginners and others too.

  10. Feb 1, 2020 · Erlang is a functional programming language developed by Ericsson for use in telecom applications. Because they felt that it’s unacceptable for a telecom system to have any significant downtime, Erlang was built to be (among other things): * distributed and fault-tolerant (a piece of failing software or hardware