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    • A mix between a Chihuahua and a dachshund is called a "chiweenie."
    • There are no seagulls in Hawaii.
    • Even though dragonflies have six legs, they cannot walk.
    • Gummy bears were originally called "dancing bears."
  1. Sep 20, 2019 · Learn 301+ things you should know in general knowledge, including topics such as world, sports, space, animals, countries, tech, health, and more. Test your knowledge with fun quizzes and trivia questions on various subjects.

    • You should throw away the cotton in your medication bottles. Believe it or not, that little ball of cotton that comes in your bottle of pills, which is there to keep pills safe during shipping, is meant to be removed.
    • It's easy to calculate a tip without a calculator. Assuming you want to tip 20 percent for good service, move the decimal point one digit to the left and then double that number.
    • You're tallest first thing in the morning. If you're feeling a bit on the short side, measure yourself when you first wake up. According to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, This phenomenon may be due to gravity compressing cartilage in our spine and in other parts of our bodies, such as our knees when we stand up or sit down throughout the day.
    • You should sleep with your door closed. Sleeping with your doors closed will help protect you from smoke and toxic fumes in the event of a fire. And for more information on how to rest better at night, check out these 50 Tips for Your Best Sleep Ever.
    • Thirty-five percent of people are born without wisdom teeth.
    • As we continue to evolve, scientists believe that fewer and fewer humans will be born with wisdom teeth ...
    • or appendixes ...
    • or even little toes!
    • The Human Body Has 12 Systems
    • There Are Four Blood Groups: A, B, AB, and O
    • There Are More Non-Human Cells in Our Body Than Human Ones
    • We Have Many More Senses Than Just Five
    • Our Appendix Does Actually Still Have A Purpose
    • We Still Aren’T 100% Sure Why People Yawn
    • The Brain Works Harder While We Are Asleep Than When We Are Awake
    • The Liver Has Over 500 Functions
    • Sunburn Can Permanently Damage Your Skin's Blood Vessels
    • All Body Parts Can Repair Themselves
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    The human body's 12 systems work together to ensure that we stay alive, healthy, and thrive: 1. The cardiovascular (or circulatory) systemtransports blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. 2. The digestive systemtakes in and processes food, and expels waste. 3. The endocrine systemproduces hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and dev...

    Your lettered blood type is determined by which antibodies are in your plasma and which antigens are present in your red blood cells. (Antibodies are blood proteins, while antigens activate an immune response and control what enters and exits a cell.) Additionally, each blood group can be either positive or negative, resulting in eight possible blo...

    Okay, so this one is a little unsettling. Did you know that there are ten times more bacteria cells in our bodies than our own human cells? Of course, most of these bacteria are, if not perfectly harmless, fairly essential to our health, helping us to perform key bodily functions. Even our DNA isn’t all "human" in origin! Human DNA includes the gen...

    You know about touch, taste, hearing, vision, and smell. But these aren't the only senses our body possesses, and NO I'm not talking about clairvoyance (I see dead people). Our bodies are able to detect all kinds of sensations beyond the five primary ones you were taught in school, for example: 1. Balance: Essentially your brain's perception of whi...

    We have long thought that the appendix was a remnant of our evolution: an organ that once served a purpose, but now doesn't do anything other than getting acutely infected, requiring emergency surgery. What a useless little bugger. However, research has revealed that the appendix actually does serve a purpose: it's a clubhouse for good bacteria! He...

    (Try not to yawn while reading this.) Many scientists today think that yawning is a way to keep our brains alert in times of stress or fatigue, but exactly why that happens or what the yawn does to help our body isn’t 100% clear. Some think it's to oxygenate the brain (through the sudden, deep inhale of breath) or to reboot and re-engage. In the an...

    Many people assume that sleep helps the brain rest, but our brains are actually busier while we're sleeping! When we sleep and dream, our brains carry out important functions they cannot while focusing on movement and conscious thought. They also process things we learned and emotions we felt during our waking hours, filing them away in our memorie...

    All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver, where it is processed, broken down, and balanced so that it can be returned to the body fresh and clean. The liver also stores important nutrients and glucose (for energy), metabolizes drugs, synthesizes proteins, and aids in metabolism and detoxification. In other words, ou...

    A moderate sunburn can do long-term damage to the blood vessels in your skin, making it more difficult for the affected areas to heal and stay healthy. It can actually take four to fifteen months for these capillaries and small arteries and veins to return to a normal condition.

    Innate human biology allows us to repair ourselves pretty easily for the most part. Muscle and skin heal, bones can knit back together, and tendons can repair: all of our body parts can heal and regenerate on their own—except teeth. Since dental enamel is not living tissue, it cannot regenerate, even if the injury goes deep enough to damage the liv...

    Learn about the 12 systems of the human body, the four blood groups, the structure of DNA, and more fascinating facts about human biology. This guide covers the essential topics and concepts for anyone who wants to understand themselves better or prepare for an exam.

  2. Apr 12, 2023 · Life on Earth. Earth, our home, is the third planet from the sun. While scientists continue to hunt for clues of life beyond Earth, our home planet remains the only place in the universe where...

  3. Jul 25, 2023 · Astronomy is the scientific study of the universe using mathematics, physics, and chemistry. History of astronomy: The beginnings.