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  2. "Grave of the Fireflies" (Japanese: 火垂るの墓, Hepburn: Hotaru no Haka) is a 1967 semi-autobiographical short story by Japanese author Akiyuki Nosaka. It is based on his experiences before, during, and after the firebombing of Kobe in 1945.

    • 446 Japan Quarterly
    • On June 5 a formation of 350 B29 bombers
    • 448 Japan Quarterly
    • The smell of burning, the sound of the fire
    • A Grave of
    • Fireflies 449
    • 450 Japan Quarterly
    • a man wearing the national civilian uniform,
    • A Grave of
    • a low voice but he had no sense of that in actuality being her, anyway there was Setsuko
    • Fireflies 451
    • “May I have the bandages removed so IJ can
    • Kobe customs office. His mother’s corpse
    • In the field below Ichi6 there was a hole, diameter 10 yards, where the ridge poles,
    • He was chased away, told that having the
    • A Grave of
    • Shukugawa, four rivers, taking an entire day he carried the stuff, as he was piling it up in
    • Seita, in a span of only ten days the plums in
    • 454 Japan Quarterly
    • Seita soaked a towel in the water, washing
    • A Grave of
    • Kaisei Hospital suddenly the voice of a young
    • It was a kimono his mother had worn when
    • Fireflies 455
    • 456 Japan Quarterly
    • July 6, through the lingering rain of the passing rainy season the B29s attacked Aka-
    • A Grave of
    • Fireflies 457
    • Proposing they take a walk, not being able
    • 458 Japan Quarterly
    • A Grave of
    • Fireflies 459
    • 460 Japan Quarterly
    • Nanking rice on Development of Asia Coop-
    • Even the doll she clutched tightly, its head
    • At night a storm, Seita crouched in the darkness of the shelter with Setsuko’s body
    • The typhoon had passed by the following day, the sky, suddenly colored deeply with
    • He dug a hole on a hill overlooking
    • Fireflies 461
    • The other story for which Nosaka received
    • A Grave of Fireflies

    raid shelter, their color bleached out, he had managed to keep eating for half a month; next his staple fiber middle school uniform, his leggings, his shoes had disappeared, as he thus hesitated about selling even his trousers he became accustomed to passing the nights inside the station—families, parents and children, dressed in full regalia, prob...

    attacked Kobe—Fukiai, Ikuta, Nada, Suma, and Higashi Kobe, five city areas utterly leveled by fire—Seita, in his third year of middle school, had been mobilized as a laborer and was commuting to Kobe Steel Works, but on that day a suspension of electrical power for conservation purposes; at his family house near the beach of Mikage, after hearing t...

    taneously burst into flames, the splitting sound of trees crackling in the garden, fire flaming up as it ran along the eaves, a sliding door disjointed, falling, his field of vision darkened, the atmosphere was instantly sweltering, Seita as if he had been sent a staggering blow broke into a run; his previous plan had been to escape to the embankme...

    carried by the wind, seemingly right on top of them, the falling of missiles, like the sound of a sudden downpour, now far off toward the west, at times starting with fright the brother and sister drew close to each other, suddenly remembering he pulled out from the air-raid bag the lunch box—his mother, saying that there was no sense in leaving an...

    the flames his thoughts turned, “you make it OK, Setsuko?” “one of my geta is lost,” “your brother’ll buy another, a better one,” “I got money too,” she showed him the purse, “open it up,” unfastening the strongly built clasp inside were three or four one-sen, five- sen pieces, otherwise a white spotted bean bag, a red, yellow, and blue marble—one ...

    along the rising slope of the city to the base - of Mount Rokké, the far side hazy with smoke, in 15 or 16 places flames and smoke still swirled upwards, with a whoosh a yet unexploded discharge, or perhaps a time bomb, abruptly raised a whistle like a winter wind, a whirlwind sending sheet zinc spinning end over end into space; he felt Setsuko tig...

    twice. He had put her in the shelter before- hand because she could not run, but if once the shelter had been enveloped in fire there was a good chance that would be the place of her demise, knowing that only because the short cut to the shelter had been blocked by fire he had lost all concern for his mother’s safety, Seita reproached himself, havi...

    face down, not a breath of movement, a wom- an, one leg of her trousers stripped off, wrapped up in bandages, not knowing what he should ask for so just standing there silent- ly, then Mr. Obayashi, head of the town block association, “ah, Seita, we’ve been looking for you, you made it through all right?” he laid his hand on his shoulder ‘‘over her...

    round and round with rolls of tape, only at her eyes and nose and mouth black holes opened up, the end of her nose exactly like a coating of tempura, her hardly recognizable trousers were everywhere covered with burn holes, he could see her camel colored drawers underneath, “‘she’s finally dropped off to sleep... she oughta be put in a hospital if ...

    to worry about; when he returned to the playground she was with the girl in a sandbox, a horizontal bar over it, “‘you see?’ “‘yes,”’ “you have all my sympathy, if there’s any- thing I can do please tell me, oh yes, did you get your crackers already?” when he shook his head she said she would go and get it for them and left, Setsuko was playing wit...

    various shapes with the sand, ‘‘my family’s in _ the classroom on the second floor, they’ll all be there so why dontcha come along,”’ the girl, bringing the brown colored packages of crackers returned. He said they would come a little later, were they to mix together with the family, both parents there, Setsuko would be miserable, even more than th...

    look at her?’ the doctor, wearing the uniform of a military medic, at Seita’s request stripped off the white cloth, “it would be better not to look, that would be better,” blood seeped through the bandages of his completely rigid, mummified mother, flies swarmed en masse around her, the blood-bubbling man, the woman with the leg cut off, all had di...

    was to be cremated from noon, June 7, at the foot of Ichié Mountain the bandage was stripped from her wrist, a marker tied on with metal, finally he was able to see his mother’s skin, turned a black color, hard to think of it as belonging to a human; in the instant she was put up on the stretcher some fat maggots fell off, looking more closely ther...

    pillars, doors, sliding screens of evacuated buildings were randomly piled up, the corpses on top; the civilian guards hurled buckets of heavy oil like in fire-fighting drills, setting fire to a rag throwing it on top instantly a black smoke curled up, flames shot up, when the burning corpses rolled off they snared them with fire hooks, returning t...

    families around obstructed their work, that night at the end of the cremation, not even a beggar monk there, just like he was receiving his rations he was passed the wooden box with the bones, the name marked with charcoal, just wonder how useful those markers were considering how black the smoke was it contained a surprisingly white finger bone. L...

    really have been where we lived? this aston- ishingly small tract of land, digging in the | likely place the food stored away in the Seto brazier was safe. Borrowing a large pull- cart he crossed Ishiya, Sumiyoshi, Ashiya,

    the entranceway this time too the widow “it’s only the military families that are living high,” repeated her complaining, with an expression of pure delight she lorded over the goods, even giving out pickled plums to the neigh- bors; the water supply continued to be cut off, so it was natural that Seita’s strong young arm would be most welcome in d...

    the wide-mouthed bottle, the dehydrated eggs, the butter, quickly disappeared, the special allotment for disaster victims also ended, when the 2 go 3 shaku (approx. 0.9 pint) ration also became half soybean, barley, millet, the widow suspected only because children are naturally big eaters that maybe these two were eating some of her family’s share...

    himself, he had eyes for the daughter. “Shall we go to the sea?”’ he said one clear day in the rainy season, Seita was worried about Setsuko’s extreme heat rash, surely it will improve if she wiped off with sea water —who could say how she had come to terms in her child’s heart, but she very seldom spoke of her mother, she just clung even closer no...

    over and over the countless red spots on the skin of her shoulders and thighs, already taking a plump rounded girlish shape, “prob- ably a little cold,”—they would go to the bathhouse removed from the widow’s, but always after everyone else had finished and bathing in the darkness of the blackout he never felt cleansed—looking again at the naked bo...

    the black market, “‘let’s try a little fishing,” one could expect to come up with some kind of small fish, at least go out to hunt some seaweed, but only rotten gulf weed, swaying forlornly with the waves.

    woman, ‘oh, mother,”’ looking over there a nurse was clinging to a middle-aged lady carrying a cloth bag on her shoulder, appar- ently the mother having come up from the country, Seita gazed vacantly at the scene, half in envy half in admiration of the nurse’s beautiful expression he gazed, hearing a call of “escape”’ quickly he looked toward the s...

    she was younger, Seita remembered, during the parents’ association’s class observation he had looked back to confirm that his mother was the most beautiful, seeing her filled with pride, the time they had gone to meet his father at Kure, how surprisingly young look- ing she had become, riding with her on the train how happy he had been, just touchi...

    sound of those words one to he felt a joy welling up in him sending shivers through his body, the occasional rations of rice, for both he and Setsuko, did not fill up half their small bamboo basket, with that they had to make do for five days. The area around Manchitani was occupied mainly by farmhouses, the widow shortly returned wielding her bag ...

    kitchenware store he bought a long-handled shell-headed ladle, an earthenware pot, a soy sauce container, then for Setsuko a boxwood comb selling for 10 yen, in the mornings and evenings he cooked their rice with a borrowed small stove, for complements boiled greens with soy sauce—grasses, the stem of pumpkin —soy preserved boiled pond snails, drie...

    shi, Seita and Setsuko gazed absently from the cave at the ripples a passing shower | described on the pond, Setsuko clutching the inseparable doll in her arms, “I wanna go back home, I don’t like it here at auntie’s any- more,” up to then for the most part she had not complained, but now she spoke in a tear- ful voice, ‘‘our house was burned down,...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

    bearded Nosaka is now doing commercials for a whisky company, and has launched a career as a popular singer. Compounding his role as a “‘celebrity,’? Nosaka was also a central figure in a publicized pornography trial concerning an erotic story said to have been written by Nagai Kafu. Several years ago he ran a respectable losing race for an upper h...

  3. Dec 31, 2023 · Released in 1988, Grave of the Fireflies tells the heart-wrenching story of two siblings who become orphaned during World War II, and it is arguably one of the best war movies ever made.

    • Isao Takahata
    • Contributor
  4. Another sister died of malnutrition in Fukui. Nosaka would later base his short story Grave of the Fireflies on these experiences. He is well known for children's stories about war. His Grave of the Fireflies and American Hijiki won the Naoki Prize in 1967.

    • (2.4K)
    • Library Binding
  5. Grave of the Fireflies (Japanese: 火垂るの墓, Hepburn: Hotaru no Haka) is a 1988 Japanese animated war drama film written and directed by Isao Takahata, and produced by Studio Ghibli. It is based on the 1967 semi-autobiographical short story Grave of the Fireflies by Akiyuki Nosaka.

  6. Oct 16, 2021 · The `80s animated movie tells the dark tale of young siblings Seita and Setsuko as they brave through the tragedy of a war-torn Japan. It’s only the second Studio Ghibli film, but it’s considered to be one of the best that they've ever produced.

  7. Apr 16, 2018 · Based on Akiyuki Nosaka's 1967 novel and directed by the legendary Japanese animator Isao Takahata who died earlier this month, it tells the story of two orphans and their desperate...