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  1. Lam Kwan-Fai is one of the most acclaimed Hong Kong composers with a diverse repertoire that spans serious and commercial music in his generation. Winner of International Composition...

    • 397
    • The Hong Kong Academy For Performing Arts
    • 401
    • Hong Kong SAR
  2. LAM Kwan-fai stands as an embodiment of artistic versatility and academic excellence in the realms of composition, entrepreneurship, and scholarship.

  3. Associate Head (Teaching and Learning) & Associate Professor, Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science, Faculty of Science, HKU.

  4. LAM Kwan-fai 林鈞暉 | Hong Kong Composers' Guild. 林鈞暉,一位於國際舞台上屢獲獎項的作曲家,作品以多元化見稱,由學術到商業、古典到前衛,遍及電影、戲劇、舞蹈,跨媒體等。 曾留學美國加洲藝術學院(又名迪士尼學校),畢業後獲藝術家簽證,留美工作。 在美期間曾參與多個何荷里活電影的大型製作,亦為多個著名劇團擔任作曲家一職。 個人獎項包括國際作曲家比賽「許常惠創作獎」及「亞洲作曲家同盟的青年作曲家獎」;其參與作品曾提名「國際艾美獎最佳紀錄長片」、「動畫奧斯卡 Annie Award」最佳學生作品、榮獲「蒙地雷國際電影節」最佳劇情短片,「IndieProducers’ Award 2009」最佳動畫等。 先後畢業於香港演藝學院及美國加州藝術學院作曲系。

  5. Lam, K. F. [林鈞暉]. (2023). Scoring for film and theatre play : original music written with a narrative approach. (Thesis). University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR.

    • Advisor (s):Chan, JKB Biancorosso, G
    • 2023
    • Lam, Kwan Fai 林鈞暉
  6. HKMDB contains information about films, people, and companies associated with Hong Kong cinema

  7. Kwan Fai LAM of The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (HKU) | Contact Kwan Fai LAM