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  1. 5 days ago · Spain - Philip IV, Reconquista, Golden Age: In 1620, following the defeat of Frederick V (the elector palatine, or prince, from the Rhineland who had accepted the crown of Bohemia when it was offered to him in 1618) and the Bohemians, Spanish troops from the Netherlands entered the “Winter King’s” hereditary dominions of the Rhenish ...

  2. 2 days ago · Like El Escorial, it had a forbidding exterior; its interior decoration, however, like that of the splendid library of Philip II’s monastery-palace, showed, literally or allegorically, Spain’s victorious battles with the enemies of Catholic Christendom. Great numbers of paintings were bought in Spain and abroad, and Spanish courtiers were ...

  3. 3 days ago · Charles II of Spain succeeded his father Philip IV at the age of four in 1665. Subject to extended periods of ill-health for much of his life, the issue of his successor was a matter of diplomatic debate for decades.

  4. 2 days ago · Philip II of Spain assumed the Portuguese throne and was crowned Philip I of Portugal on 17 July 1580 (recognized as king by the Portuguese Cortes of Tomar) and a near sixty-year personal union under the rule of the Philippine Dynasty began.

  5. 5 days ago · Spain - Charles II, Reconquista, Golden Age: For 10 years Philip IV’s widow, Maria Anna of Austria, acted as regent for Charles II (1665–1700). She allowed her government to be dominated by her confessor, the Austrian Jesuit Johann Eberhard (Juan Everardo) Nithard.

  6. 4 days ago · Philip to the Princess Dowager of Portugal, Regent of Spain London , 22 February Since I wrote the letter being taken with this one, an English courier arrived by land with your letter of the 10th instant and a note in your own hand, to which I am replying in my own.

  7. 4 days ago · Spanish monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella requested a papal bull establishing an inquisition in Spain in 1478. Pope Sixtus IV granted the bull Exigit sincerae devotionis affectus permitting the monarchs to select and appoint two or three priests over forty years of age to act as inquisitors.