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  1. 4 days ago · Several different tools aimed at performing queries in electronic corpora in order to discover textual matches with the extant characters (the so-called fragment siting) have been developed through time, from the already mentioned Lacunology and the built-in research tools of the Ibycus machines running the Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri ...

  2. 6 days ago · A third series, the Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, was introduced in 2010 covering works in Byzantine Greek, Medieval Latin, and Old English. Volumes have the same format as the I Tatti series, but with a brown cover. The Clay Sanskrit Library, bound in teal cloth, was also modeled on the Loeb Classical Library.

  3. 4 days ago · The Burial of Horse-Taming Hektor: Ending the Iliad: Hektor; Aithiopis; Ending Epic; Ibycus; Pindar; Kleos h: The subject catalogue (“Schlagwortkatalog”) of the University Library of Graz. The card shown refers to a text by Hans Schleimer who made up the rules for this catalogue.

  4. 3 days ago · Search ancient Greek inscriptions and papyri held at Duke University, the University of Michigan and Cornell University. Unicode 4 is used to display the Greek characters and the keyboard emulates an Ibycus keyboard.

  5. 1 day ago · Ἔτι διὰ τὸ πάσας τὰς ἀριστοκρατικὰς πολιτείας ὀλιγαρχικὰς εἶναι μᾶλλον πλεονεκτοῦσιν οἱ γνώριμοι (οἷον καὶ ἐν Λακεδαίμονι εἰς ὀλίγους αἱ οὐσίαι ἔρχονται)· καὶ ἔξεστι ποιεῖν ὅ τι ἂν θέλωσι τοῖς γνωρίμοις μᾶλλον, καὶ κηδεύειν ὅτῳ θέλωσιν (διὸ καὶ ἡ Λοκρῶν πόλις ἀπώλετο ἐκ τῆς πρὸς Διονύσιον κηδείας, ὃ ἐν δημοκρατίᾳ οὐκ ἂν ἐγένετο, οὐδ᾿ ἂν ἐν ἀριστ...

  6. › cgi_tsv_pub › summaryBeilage der Rechtspersonen

    3 days ago · i4solution ibycus business intelligence ideal motor idro ijssalon venezia ikkp ilot production image in i.m.b.h. imerys talc belgium immo 2a immobiliere clermont eric immobiliere de la vallee immobiliere de ransbeck immobiliere vandenbroucke immofastdeal patrimoine immo ferin immo gijsen immo gold immo-quinto immo rio immo-seber immo tranpac ...

  7. 2 days ago · Get FREE shipping on Katie the Kitten by Axel Scheffler (artist), from Little ones can join in the fun with Katie the Kitten by pulling out the sliders, pushing up the tabs, and making lots of noise throughout the house!