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  1. 2 days ago · 中國文化大學 Chinese Culture University. 文化大學形象代言人的培訓基地 華岡親善團創立21年 成為文化大學最美的一道風景. 台東校友會前會長林永發教授 水墨展記錄人生七十載 持續傳承華岡人精神. 文化大學拓展學生全球視野:舉辦2024台日韓和平論壇 探討東亞和平與衝突. 深化與母校連結 畢業證書與校友證一次領. 文化大學與明尼蘇達州西南州立大學簽訂雙聯學位協議 共同培養具備全球競爭力的人才. 文化之光! 柔道女王連珍羚正式取得女子柔道-57kg級的巴黎奧運門票. 文化大學成立「社會責任實踐基地USR HUB」 落實大學社會責任. 113學年度日間學士班暑假轉學考. 華岡新鮮人網路報到. 高中生專區. 學系特色短影片. 前進理想學系,學長姐經驗分享.

    • 中國文化大學

      關於中國文化大學 歷史. 本校創建於1962年,創辦人張其昀博士及中華文化事業基金委員會原擬校名為「遠東大學」,經先總統...

    • 校友

      聯絡資訊. 學校地址 : 11114 臺北市陽明山華岡路55號 菲華樓3樓303室 社會資源暨校友服務處. 55,...

    • 姊妹校資訊

      姊妹校資訊 - 中國文化大學 Chinese Culture University

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      校園平面圖 - 中國文化大學 Chinese Culture University

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  2. 1 day ago · Nearly 1,200 pupils and 157 teachers from 61 schools are jetting off to China in July for a 10-day trip to improve their Mandarin language skills and cultural awareness. The MEP is a flagship initiative which has helped more than 11,000 young learners in England on the path to fluency in Mandarin since its launch eight years ago.

  3. 15 hours ago · Chinese Indigenous leadership contains unique elements that are deeply rooted in the rich Chinese cultural heritage and intricate internal and external management environments. Specifically, Chinese philosophies place a significant emphasis on prioritizing interpersonal ethics as the cornerstone of behaviors and advocate viewing and understanding the world through a holistic and dynamic standpoint.

  4. 4 days ago · A student gestures with the new acceptance letter from Fudan University Photo: Courtesy of Fudan University. Chinese universities in recent years have added more cultural and technology-related ...

  5. 4 days ago · Chang Jun, an associate professor at Shanghai University's College of International Education, has dedicated 30 years to nurturing a love of the Chinese language and the country's rich culture among international students.

  6. 4 days ago · The Chinese Studies major offers academically rigorous courses in Chinese language, history, literature, culture, religion and film studies. Students will acquire the general literacy and appreciation of the richness and variety of traditional and modern Chinese studies in its broadest sense.

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  8. 1 day ago · Traditional Chinese culture attached great importance to education as a means of enhancing a person’s worth and career. In the early 1950s the Chinese communists worked hard to increase the country’s rate of literacy, an effort that won them considerable support from the population.