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  1. Apr 1, 2020 · Definition of Fofa/fofo kawaii! cute cute!|mullido, lindo|It's more like adorable. If you say something/someone is cute, it's not like they are beautiful. It's just something that makes you say like "awwwn". It can be anything |cute|Cute!|kawai//cute |Cute |Cute😊.

  2. Dec 26, 2023 · All of these terms are variations of the word: "fofo" which indeed means "cute". Although these terms are very similar, there are slight differences among them. Let's discuss each one: 1. Fofo (m.) / Fofa (f.) It literally means cute. It can be used to describe anything that should be described as "cute": people, objects, feelings, etc: "Uma pessoa fofa" = "A cute person" "Uma música fofa" = "A cute song" "Um gesto fofo" = "A cute gesture" 2. Fofinho (m.) / Fofinha (f.) In Portuguese, when ...

  3. Aug 24, 2019 · I dont see any difference in this context. Sometimes, also in informal language, cute also means fat, chubby, so this is why some women dont like to be called fofa.. But the real meaning of fofa is fluffy, like a dog, a bed or a cake. |bonitinha is someone or something beautiful, and fofa means cute |Yes. The word "beautiful" means more like -> a little beautiful. The word "cute" means some people or things that are cute. "Esse menino não é bonito, porém ele é fofo." "This boy is not ...

  4. fofa作为一款优秀的网络空间搜索引擎,想必从事网络安全的人员都不会陌生,但是就这一款工具却在昨天莫名其妙躺枪(心疼十秒钟),但是从fofa被工信部拉黑这一事件衍生一个问题,网络安全这个大环境下的规章制度有没有遵守,网络安全秩序应该如何维护,虽然国家针对网络安全颁布了很多法律法规,但是这些网络安全事故还是屡见不鲜,改反思了。

  5. Nov 8, 2023 · "Você é fofa" = its very informal, more like a compliment. " You are cute". I'd say that for a little girl, for example. "Você é linda" = its more like you are flirting. "You are gorgeous".|You need to take the context into consideration, but if I were a girl I wouldn't feel the other person is flirting by hearing one of these phrases alone. They translate to: You're cute You're beautiful A friend or relative could say that.|It depends. Who is the guy? Who is he talking to? Are you guys ...

  6. Definición de Fofa/fofo kawaii! cute cute!|mullido, lindo|It's more like adorable. If you say something/someone is cute, it's not like they are beautiful. It's just something that makes you say like "awwwn". It can be anything |cute|Cute!|kawai//cute |Cute |Cute😊

  7. Portuguese (Brazil) Em inglês é cute. Alguns sinônimos em português: puro, delicado, felpudo, inocente, etc. Usado para pessoas ou coisas em geral. Exemplo: Ela é muito fofa (She's so cute) Meu gato é fofinho (My cat is so cute) Esse brinquedo é tão fofinho (This toy is so cute) "Fofinho" é diminutivo de "fofo", mas é usado para dizer ...

  8. Aug 4, 2016 · Solve your problems more easily with the app! ( 30,698 ) Find the answer you're looking for from 45 million answers logged! Enjoy the auto-translate feature when searching for answers! It’s FREE!! Definition of Tu eres muy fofa você é muito fofa|eres muy bela, graciosa.|Es chistosa o pachoncita jeje.

  9. 【注:因为我本人很少使用fofa,所以可能有使用方法不对的地方,还请指教】 于是我推断可能重复记录的可能性,在website结果里选一个ip验证一下,如: FOFA Pro - 搜索结果 除去2个域名地址,这个ip的80数据算了2个类型 一个是website 一个是server 算了2次 当然还有一些存在重复的地方这里就不一一说了

  10. 【ネイティブが回答】「fofa」ってどういう意味?質問に12件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"ポルトガル語(ブラジル)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。

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