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  1. The true death in the play is that of Willy's dream for Biff to follow in his footsteps and become a salesman. At the climactic scene when Biff is pleading with his father to forget him and let him and his own dreams go, it is apparent that Biff will never become a salesman as his father had, and that is another death that the title is referring to.

  2. Death Note Kyrie, Kyrie II And Kyrie Orchestra; تقاسيم عود جميلة جداً - عزف عود - Oud Music; موسيقى جزائرية - محمد روان "Buluşma" - موسيقى ونغم تركي حزين 2021 - العازف جعفر نازليباش

  3. Q4:A 1- The story ends sadly because of the death of canary. 2-It tells about a soldier, who has just return from the hell of war carrying a message for the family of his friend.

  4. Q1/A 1-by train 2-false 3-because he threw his bag out of the train 4-because there is his name and address on it 5-put his head out of the window of the train and looked at the mountains 6-the hat of Mr. Jones Q1/B 1-If we push them too far, they will eventually let us down. 2-false 3- Mustafa told the emergency services that his mother was sick and needed a doctor. 4-It is clean energy.. 5-b 6- to convince people to use the bank. Q2/A

  5. يحكى أن إسكافياً فقيراً اسمه" عصفور "، كان يعيش في مدينة بغداد القديمة. وكانت له زوجة اسمها " جرادة " , تذكره كل يوم بفقره وعجزه عن توفير حياة أكثر راحة لها. وذات يوم، رأت جرادة ، وهي تتجول في السوق، سيدة ترتدي رداء فاخراً، وتـُحلي أصابعها بخواتيم الماس، وتعلق على صدرها عقود ...

  6. للصف السادس الاعدادي (المرادفات والتعاريف ) المرادفات والتعاريف Unit 1 / Lesson 10 ;- ( P.24 ) 1- surprised = puzzled متحير 2- pushing = shaking يهز 3- without success = to no avail بلا جدوى 4- faint = lose consciousness اغماء / فقدان الوعي 5- dropping = spilling يسكب 6- the police , fire department , ambulance = the emergency services خدمات الطوارئ 7- medical helpers = paramedics موظفي ...

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