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  1. Stephen Harper. Bachelor's and Master's degree in Economics, University of Calgary. 2002, Leader of the Opposition; co-founded Conservative Party and won party leadership; 2006, Prime Minister of Canada. Recipient of awards: Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service; first Canadian to be awarded B'nai Brith Presidential Gold Medallion for ...

  2. Mr Iyer did his bachelor’s degree from St Stephen’s College, Delhi University and MBA from the National Management Programme, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon. He has authored two books: Method in the Madness: Insights from My Career as an Insider-Outsider-Insider (Harper Collins: 2021) and The Swachh Bharat Revolution: Four Pillars of India's Behavioural Transformation (Harper Collins: 2019).

  3. Stephen Bailey is a regarded entrepreneur, leadership and workforce expert and futurist who works with corporate leaders within the Fortune 500 and Global 2000 to create life-changing learning experiences. Stephen co-founded ExecOnline, a premier provider of certified, online leadership development experiences, to diversify the leadership pipelines of the world’s largest organizations by democratizing access to high-quality leadership training. As CEO, Stephen oversees its partnerships ...

  4. Stephen has 15 years of experience working with corporate, public and non-profit and non-governmental organizations within the contexts of environmental, social and governance (ESG) sustainability and sustainable development. He is currently Director of Forest Trends' Ecosystem Marketplace and Supply Change Initiatives, where he is responsible for overall initiative development and strategy, management and relationship creation of partners, collaborators, and sponsors, stakeholder ...

  5. Niel Harper is deeply committed to ensuring that individuals and organizations consistently benefit from safety, privacy, security, reliability, and data ethics when using online platforms. He has spent the last 20 years leading and advising on Digital Trust initiatives at global organizations such as Aspen Institute, AT&T Wireless, Bemol, Canonical, CIBC, Deloitte Consulting, Doodle, European Commission, Internet Society, UNICEF, UNOPS, and others. Niel specialises in corporate ...

  6. Prior to becoming the Special Advisor to the High Commissioner for Refugees for Climate Action, Andrew has held a multitude of posts within UNHCR. He headed the Innovation Service, and before that was responsible for leading and coordinating the international response to the Syrian Crisis in Jordan. Some of the main achievements included responding to, at the time, the largest refugee crisis in the world, the establishment of the Zaatari and Azraq refugee camps, introducing biometric ...

  7. Amrita Narlikar is the President of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), and Professor of International Relations. She is Honorary Fellow of Darwin College, University of Cambridge, and non-resident Senior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation. Prior to moving to Hamburg, she held the position of Reader in International Political Economy at the University of Cambridge and a Fellowship at Darwin College. She was also Senior Research Associate at the Centre for ...

  8. Jake Sullivan is the 28th Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (National Security Advisor). In the Obama-Biden Administration, he served as Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor to then-Vice President Biden, Director of the Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. Department of State, and Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. During his time in government, Sullivan was a lead negotiator in the initial talks that paved the way for ...

  9. Designer phages, spatial optics, plant sensors and bendable batteries - just some of the items on this year's World Economic Forum Top 10 Emerging Technologies that will change our lives in the next 3-5 years. To talk us through all 10, we hear from the two people who led the work compiling the list: Mariette DiChristina, Dean and Professor of the Practice in Journalism, Boston University College of Communication; and Bernie Meyerson, Chief Innovation Officer Emeritus, IBM.

  10. Below the ocean surface is a world that is vast, distant and alien. We are now able to understand and explore more of this realm with technology. Join Caribbean marine biologist and explorer Diva Amon live from a deep-sea submersible examining the health of Mesophotic coral reefs off the coast of the Seychelles. She is joined by prominent experts and industry leaders to explore the potential of technology and how it can be harnessed to better steward ocean health. This is the full audio from ...