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  1. 1 day ago · Violists have been lucky with recent concertos for their instrument: those by Brett Dean and Sofia Gubaidulina are worth hearing, and this concerto can join them. There are then two shorter pieces. Absence is a short single movement which explores the idea of absence by way of developing one of the themes from Beethoven’s Les Adieux sonata.

  2. 3 days ago · "Lamento" by Sofia Gubaidulina captivated the audience with its air of mystery and intrigue. The saxophone played by Dr. Estes produced eerily lovely tunes, with each note seeming to be a whispered secret.

  3. 4 days ago · For its Cyprus debut, Talea Ensemble will perform the Cyprus premiere of masterpieces by Sofia Gubaidulina, Gérard Grisey, Zosha Di Castri, Chaya Czernowin, as well as the world premiere of newly commissioned works by Cypriot composers George Christofi and Andreas Tsiartas.

  4. 2 days ago · Die 93-jährige russische Komponistin Sofia Gubaidulina lebt seit vielen Jahren bei Hamburg, sie schrieb 1980 das Trio Garten von Freuden und Traurigkeiten, das von Liebe und Angst, Schönheit und ...

  5. 4 days ago · 15. Leonid Kogan. 1. Niccolò Paganini. Niccolò Paganini is regarded as one of the greatest violinists in history, often seen as the embodiment of virtuosity. Born in Genoa, Italy in 1782 ...

  6. 3 days ago · Gubaidulina "Fachwerkis" soleerib Eesti-Serbia akordionist Momir Novakovic (foto: Jake Farra) 28. septembril annab Tallinna Kammerorkester Mustpeade majas arhitektuurist inspireeritud kontserdi. Esitamisele tuleb kaasaegse klassikalise muusika tipphelilooja Sofia Gubaidulina “Fachwerk” ning Soome helilooja ja dirigendi Esa-Pekka Saloneni “Stockholm Diary”.

  7. 2 days ago · Haar nieuwste cd op Orfeo met het Triple Concerto van Sofia Gubaidulina (1931) ga ik nog bespreken. Maar ik lig een rondje achter. Een van haar vorige cd’s - voor Capriccio - is niet minder ...