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  1. Oct 11, 2020 · Return to Sleepaway Camp was dreadful. The only good thing about it was that 3 of the main characters from the first film returned. Still undecided on who was the better Angela. Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp and Return to Sleepaway Camp) or Pamela Springsteen (Bruce's younger sister, Sleepaway Camps 2 and 3).

  2. Feb 17, 2020 · They were going to do another sequel to the original after Return to Sleepaway Camp (which pulled a Halloween and ignored the events of movies 2-4) called Sleepaway Camp Reunion but it was shelved. It would've featured the return of (Felissa Rose's) Angela, Ricky and Aunt Martha. by Anonymous. reply 3.

  3. Apr 18, 2020 · I went to sleepaway school, only we called it "college." I went to sleepaway school! Yay! I begged my parents to send me to boarding school but they wouldn't. OP is a stupid quasi-pedo who jerks off over prepubescent stories on DL. Yes, I went to a typical and respected boarding school/Prep School on a scholarship.

  4. Dec 2, 2023 · The 2006 remake of Black Christmas is actually pretty funny if you don't mind a little brutal violence alongside the camp. It has a nasty Sleepaway Camp vibe and though none of the sorority sisters is quite as over-the-top bitchy as Judy from SC there are still some fun turns.

  5. May 17, 2024 · My favorites then to be mid 70s to early 80s cult classics: Phantasm, Tourist Trap, Zombie, Halloween, Friday the 13th (1 and 2), Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Black Christmas, The Thing, Alien, Aliens, Hellraiser, Afraid of the Dark (1982), Return of the Living Dead, The Fog, The House by the Cemetery, Demons, Sleepaway Camp, The Shining, Manhunter, Maniac

  6. Mar 17, 2024 · March 19, 2024 6:52 AM. R43 - no one thinks Susan Sarandon has any influence. But her gleeful and confident analysis that Hillary was as bad as Trump and that Trump would ‘bring on the revolution’ was the kind of thing a multi millionaire celebrity can say.

  7. May 27, 2022 · When i saw the original in the theatre thought it was over the top. The love story was a bit nauseating. Now that we know the 411 on the main players I totally appreciate the camp value. Kelly thinking when will I get to work with a real leading man. Don't worry honey Jodi is waiting in the wings just a few movies away. Your wish will be granted.

  8. › thread › 16437902-jaws-2Jaws 2 - the Data Lounge

    Feb 7, 2016 · August 15, 2016 11:14 PM. When I saw "Jaws 2" at the theater in 1978 (when I was 13) I never understood why Angel's mother was mad at her for having bruises on her ass. I did not realize she was getting fucked in the little boat. However, I did have major MAJOR crushes on Mike Brody and Vaughn Jr.

  9. Apr 22, 2023 · Gabriela Sabatini. When she was young she looked like a beautiful Italian guy. Very masculine butch energy as well, always found it funny that she was a heartthrob to so many supposedly straight men when she looked and acted like a dude. Also incredible that they seemed oblivious to what a huge dyke she was.

  10. Jan 23, 2021 · January 25, 2021 1:26 AM. In The Long Good Friday (1980), London crime boss Bob Hoskins visits a dead underling's widow, she immediately starts screeching at him so he just gives her a slap. But it's more "Shut it, you slag!" than "Get a grip, you're hysterical!"