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  1. 4 days ago · D. Gupta, R.K. Ranjan, P. Parthasarathy, A. Ansari Spatial and seasonal variability in the water chemistry of Kabar Tal wetland (Ramsar site), Bihar, India: multivariate statistical techniques and GIS approach

  2. 2 days ago · Solid biofuel samples are obtained from pine timber in a shaft system by partial gasification with reverse air flow. The structure, chemical composition, and thermal properties of the biofuel are analyzed. The carbonizate is practically pure carbon with low ash content (up to 3.7%). Its gross calorific value is 8310 kcal/kg; that is significantly higher than the value for the wood (4690 kcal/kg). Special attention is paid to the transformation of the wood’s mineral component and to the ...

  3. 3 days ago · Books. Yogesh S, Prasanna B, Parthasarathi S, Ganesh M A, " Open MV - Micro Python based DIY low cost service robot in Quarantine facility of COVID19 patients", published in Advances in intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Nature, 2020.

  4. 5 days ago · Present Address: Dr. N. Parthasarathy, FNASc. Professor, Department of Ecology & Environmental Sciences and Dean, School of Life Sciences Pondicherry University, Puducherry - 605 014, Telephone No: 0413-2654326. Email:

  5. 5 days ago · However, w ith long-ter m high-pre cision tran sit timing da ta, we can also ex plore the se veral possi ble causes of TT Vs; e.g., when the tigh tly bound ho t Jupiters encounter a strong tidal

  6. 5 days ago · Title: The second data release from the European Pulsar Timing Array. IV. Implications for massive black holes, dark matter, and the early Universe

  7. 1 day ago · Purpose This study aimed to analyse the clinical outcomes of preoperative adjuvant denosumab therapy (PADT) combined with resection and arthrodesis for recurrent grade 3 giant cell tumor of bone (GCTB) in the distal radius. Methods A retrospective study was conducted on twenty-three patients (8 males, 15 females) who were treated with the adjuvant denosumab combined with en bloc resection (EBR) and arthrodesis for biopsy confirmed recurrent Campanacci III giant cell tumor of bone in the ...