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  1. 4 days ago · It has often been observed that the greatest legacy of the Paris Commune of 1871 was its myth. In its short duration the Commune failed to transform Paris in any lasting way – even its supreme gesture of repudiation of the military traditions of the French past, the toppling of the Vendôme column, was to be reversed.

  2. 4 days ago · France - Commune, Paris, Revolution: A few days later, the assembly transferred the seat of government from Bordeaux to Versailles. Immediately after, it was confronted by a major civil war—the rebellion of the Commune of Paris.

  3. 1 day ago · The first section analyzes the perceptions and international ramifications of the sequence which extends from July 1870 to April 1871; it begins with a quote from the Chinese interpreter Zhang Deyi, who, being in Paris on March 18, 1871, heard the cannon shots which marked the start of the insurrection.

  4. The aftermath of the Paris Commune of 1871. The painter was 13 years old when the Commune happened and, living in Paris, it had a huge impact on him. The dead soldiers wore the communards uniforms. It is rumored that the dead woman was the sister of the woman he married. Saw this at the Orsay, it’s stunning.

  5. 5 days ago · In der „Blutigen Woche“ schlugen französische Regierungstruppen im Mai 1871 die Pariser Kommune nieder. Die Brutalität, mit der die „Ordnung“ wiederhergestellt wurde, schuf einen Mythos, der...

  6. 2 days ago · Membre de la Société démocratique de moralisation, puis du Comité de vigilance des femmes de Montmartre lors du siège et de la Commune de Paris, elle côtoie Louise Michel et André Léo.

  7. 1 day ago · En 1871, Marx théorise la dialectique de La guerre civile à partir de la Commune de Paris. ... Jouer la peur pour prendre l’habit de l’ordre est un pari risqué, remporté jusque-là. ...