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  1. 2 days ago · In May 1941, Gestapo leader Heinrich Müller wrote a preamble to the new law limiting the jurisdiction of military courts in prosecuting troops for criminal actions because: "This time, the troops will encounter an especially dangerous element from the civilian population, and therefore, have the right and obligation to secure themselves."

  2. 3 days ago · Heinrich Müller was the Gestapo's operations chief. [66] Heydrich was assigned to help organise the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. The games were used to promote the propaganda aims of the Nazi regime. Goodwill ambassadors were sent to countries that were considering a boycott.

  3. 3 days ago · In the summer of 1938, Stahlecker became Inspector of the Security Police in Austria, succeeding Gestapo chief Heinrich Müller in that position.[4]As of 20 August 1938, Stahlecker was the formal head of the Central Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna, though its de facto leader was Adolf Eichmann.

  4. 2 days ago · Among those most responsible for the Final Solution were Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Adolf Eichmann, Odilo Globocnik, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Heinrich Müller, Theodor Eicke, Richard Glücks, Friedrich Jeckeln, Friedrich-Wilhelm Krüger, Rudolf Höss, Christian Wirth, and Oswald Pohl.

  5. 2 days ago · Nicht geehrt wurden bis heute die Ermordeten von 1944. Sie verscharrte man auf dem Kölner Friedhof Melaten in einem Massengrab, unter ihnen Günther Schwarz (16), Johann Müller (16), Bartholomäus Schink (16), Gustav Bermel (17), Franz Rheinberger (17) und Adolf Schütz (18).

    • Heinrich Müller (Gestapo)1
    • Heinrich Müller (Gestapo)2
    • Heinrich Müller (Gestapo)3
    • Heinrich Müller (Gestapo)4
    • Heinrich Müller (Gestapo)5
  6. 4 days ago · The Brussels native, a fighter pilot in the Royal Air Force at the time, flew his Hawker Typhoon straight at number 453 and bombed it, heavily wounding four members of the Gestapo and killing five. Among those casualties was Max Thomas, the deputy commander of the Sipo-SD.

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  8. 5 days ago · Reinhard Heydrich war einer der mächtigsten Männer der NS-Diktatur. Eine Ausstellung auf dem ehemaligen Gelände der Gestapo-Zentrale widmet sich dem für zahllose Verbrechen verantwortlichen SS-Führer.