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  1. 20 hours ago · Here Jameson’s go-to text is Gustave Flaubert’s novella, A Simple Heart [1877], in part because it had already been Roland Barthes’s go-to text in a landmark essay on the production of bourgeois reality (1968). It bears noticing that “The Horla” and A Simple Heart are not entirely unrelated: Maupassant was Flaubert protégé. André ...

  2. 2 days ago · Short abstract: This thesis re-evaluates the contributions made to discussions of the life and novels of Gustave Flaubert by Jean-Paul Sartre in L’Idiot de la famille (1971–1972) and Pierre Bourdieu in Les Règles de l’art (1992). Its analysis confronts Sartre’s biographical method with Bourdieu’s sociological exploration of the nineteenth-century literary field to examine the personal, socio-literary and historical contexts of Flaubert’s novels.

  3. 3 days ago · As Gustave Flaubert noted some years later in a letter to a friend: “The first to sing the praises of La Lanterne to me was a magistrate (M. Censier) and the first to make me read it was a priest (the vicar of Ouville).

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  5. 1 day ago · Upon the publication of Madame Bovary in 1856 Gustave Flaubert was prosecuted for obscenity and offending public morals. In 1857 he was acquitted, and, aided by the publicity from the trial, Madame Bovary became a bestseller.

  6. 20 hours ago · Symbolism (movement) Death and the Grave Digger (La Mort et le Fossoyeur) (c.1895) by Carlos Schwabe is a visual compendium of symbolist motifs. The angel of Death, pristine snow, and the dramatic poses of the characters all express symbolist longings for transfiguration "anywhere, out of the world". Symbolism was a late 19th-century art ...

  7. 3 days ago · Mais son aura doit beaucoup à l’écrivain Gustave Flaubert, qui a planté l’intrigue de son roman Madame Bovary dans ce décor paisible. Promenez-vous dans ses rues et laissez-vous transporter au XIXe siècle où, entre les murs de ces bâtisses séculaires, le destin de l’ennuyée Emma Bovary se dessine.

  8. 3 days ago · A new interest in science and a new vogue of realism in literature and the arts prevailed during the Second Empire; it was best embodied in the novels of Gustave Flaubert and the paintings of Gustave Courbet. By the 1870s this mood had formed into what its advocates regarded as a coherent philosophical system, the.