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  1. God's Own Country 2017年几乎可以被称为LGBT影片年,《请以你的名字呼唤我》,《每分钟120击》,《人生密密缝》。 又文艺,又好看逼格还很高的同性影片在17年真的是呈现出波凌波凌小公主的姿态,口碑好,获奖多几乎成了这些小众影片的常态。

  2. 具体地说. 各种自然景色和植物动物的特写很好地调节了重口的画面 每一帧都太精致以至于很不喜欢男主的颜却能从头到尾全神贯注. 不管是风景还是日常起居还是人物特写都让人时不时想停下来看一遍再看一遍. 每个场景每个画面要表达的意思都清晰且纯粹 没 ...

  3. › topic › 20178745上帝之国 - 知乎

    2017年涌现出一批男同电影,像很火的《请以你的名字呼唤我》《每分钟120击》,以及本片《上帝之国》,既有展现同性之爱,也有表现大爱之处。 [图片] 上帝之国,God’s Own Country,最早在英国文化里用来指代威克洛山,后来用于形容英国最大的郡Yorkshire约克郡。

  4. › topic › 20178745上帝之国 - 知乎

    简介. 24岁的约翰尼 ( 乔什·奥康纳 饰)是一名以畜牧为生的青年,和中风后无法工作的爸爸马丁 (伊恩·哈特饰)及祖母黛德丽 (杰玛·琼斯饰)生活在乡间的农场,自己的朋友都去城市里上学追逐自己的梦想,而自己却在乡村日复一日的做着无休止的农活 ...

  5. God‘s own country (《上帝之国》) Serendipity (《缘分天注定》) No. 84 Charing Crossroad ((《查令十字街84号》)这部算soulmate吧 但我把它看作爱情. Midnight in Paris (《午夜巴黎》) Love Actually (《真爱至上》) He’s just not that into you (《其实他没那么喜欢你》)

  6. I am Miss Joyce William, the only daughter of Dr Samuel Williams Omar. 26 years old Nursing student , from Al-Khartūm Sudan, but presently seeking asylum in the UN refugee Camp in Senegal as a result of war in my country, my father of a blessed memory by name Late Dr. Samuel Williams Omar who was working with (ROMS INDUSTRIAL Company PLC) in Sudan was killed alongside with my beloved mother and our family house burnt down by the rebels during the last crisis in my country when Janjaweed ...

  7. 天维网2月8日报道 援引newshub消息 新西兰曾被称为“上帝之国”(God's own country),是基督徒占人口比例最高的国家之一。 但最近一项调查显示,新西兰宗教信众的比例较100年前大幅下降,新西兰人为什么“不信神”了?

  8. Every country has a legend about the sun god. In the tribal era, the sun god had absolute authority. Looking at all the myths of the sun god, you will find that only the Chinese mythology has a story of daring to challenge the sun god: a person, because the sun was too hot, went to chase the sun and wanted to take it off (praising the father and chasing the sun) .

  9. García Márquez has created a world of his own round the imaginary town of Macondo. In his novels and short stories we are led into this peculiar place where the miraculous and the real converge. The extravagant flight of his own fantasy combines with traditional folk tales and facts, literary allusions and tangible - at times obtrusively graphic - descriptions approaching the matter-of-factness of reportage.

  10. Feb 9, 2015 · There's an east wind coming all the same, There's an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it's God's own wind none the less, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared.

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