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  1. delusion -妄想是一种不理性、与现实不符且不可能实现但坚信的错误信念。. 它包括错误的判断与逻辑推理。. Illusion - 假性幻觉所呈现的状态。. 当一个人将畏惧或焦虑的感受投射在外在物体与经验上,或是因为想像、虚构或错误的联想而产生畏惧或焦虑的感觉 ...

  2. 2020-09-12 求[3D动画]Delusion种子下载, 3 2011-08-19 求动画:Doll House的image+image ex ... 5 2013-06-23 有这个3D动画吗? 43 2016-02-21 谁有这个动画的资源求分享, Mosaic Doll 3D。 18 2009-11-12 谁知道这个3D动画短片叫什么名字,或者是哪里有下载? 1

  3. illusion: An illusion is something that appears to exist or be a particular thing but does not actually exist or is in reality something else. 中文姑且译作“幻想”,主体一般是物;. delusion: Delusion is the state of believing things that are not true. 中文姑且译作“妄想”,主体一般是人。. 下边恕鄙人 ...

  4. Aug 20, 2006 · illusion“幻觉,错觉”be under no illusion about sth.对某事不存幻想。. delusion“ 欺骗,迷惑”. 与crucial的区别在于它对缺乏的或危急的程度有更 准确的衡量;还指"批判性的,分析性的"。. 抢首赞. 评论. 分享. 举报. 更多回答(2). delusion 和 illusion 的区别是什么问这2 ...

  5. Mar 25, 2008 · delusion“ 欺骗,迷惑” delusion 1[C] a false belief or opinion about yourself or your situation: 例:the delusions of the mentally ill * Don't go getting delusions of grandeur (= a belief that you are more important than you actually are). * He was suffering from paranoid delusions and hallucinations. * Love can be nothing but a delusion.

  6. Dec 26, 2020 · 下面有你满意的答案么?. 拼错了,是delusion,这两个词是近义词,lus有玩弄戏弄的意思,delusion和illusion都是说欺骗,然后delusion用得少,所以意思固定在欺骗这种比较坏的意思上,也可以指海市蜃楼,illusion引申出梦幻的意思,在英语里这个义项用得多。. de-是 ...

  7. Feb 12, 2010 · hallucination是大脑造成的幻觉, 有可能是因为磕药或者精神有问题. illusion是错觉, 假象, 就像是看别人变魔术, 你的大脑没问题, 只是你的眼睛欺骗了你. LS的。. I社的游戏玩多了产生了ILLUSION了吧。. illusion指的是对实际事物的错误感知。. 就像LS说的ILLUSION公司的游戏 ...

  8. 京ICP证030173号-1 京网文【2023】1034-029号 ©2024Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 知道协议 | 企业推广. 求ゴスデリ gothic delusion 哥特妄想这部galgame的汉化版下载地址这部游戏目前只有测试版 汉化版过段时间才会出 具体发布时间可以去相关贴吧查询 以上~祝LZ游戏愉快 望采纳.

  9. 混沌之脑诺亚开头一段英语是什么?头一句是如果你是上帝后面几句是什么意思图里的英文应该是:If you are god, and the delusion becomes reality, about what kind of noids you get?

  10. Nov 16, 2009 · From delusion lead me to truth From darkness lead me to light From death lead me to immortality. He who knows both knowledge and action, with action overcomes death and with knowledge reaches immortality. In him are woven the sky and the earth and all the regions of the air, and in him rest the mind and all the powers of life.

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