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  1. The OED defines dead of night as follows, and gives these citations, some of which have a the and some of which do not: dead of night, of winter: the time of intensest stillness, darkness, cold, etc.; = ‘depth’ (of winter) 1548 Hall Chron. 109 b, — In the dedde of the night..he brake up his campe and fled. 1583 Stanyhurst Æneis iv.

  2. On pages 18-19 Strunk and White compare two sentences: (1) "There were a great number of dead leaves covering the ground," and (2) "Dead leaves covered the ground." The second choice is in the active voice, which is more often than not better because, according to the authors, (a) the "habitual use of the active voice makes writing more foreceful," and (b) use of the active voice usually makes the sentence shorter.

  3. Dec 9, 2010 · In conversation, the 'night' of which 'midnight' is in the middle, is considered the night of the date mentioned. If you are referring to a deadline, this also will refer to the stroke of 12 after the evening of the same date. Example: The paper is due by Friday at midnight. Should not be confusing to anyone.

  4. Jan 21, 2013 · 5. "Good night" as a greeting was once a feature found almost exclusively in Ireland. In James Joyce's "The Dead", for example, it is used both as greeting: —O, Mr Conroy, said Lily to Gabriel when she opened the door for him, Miss Kate and Miss Julia thought you were never coming. Good night, Mrs Conroy. And as a farewell:

  5. Feb 18, 2020 · W.S. Farmer & J.L. Henley, Slang and Its Analogues, vol. 2 (1891), says that "dead to rights" means "certain; without doubt," and asserts that it is simply an amplification of the earlier term "to rights," meaning "completely to one's satisfaction." Dead appears in a similarly amplifying way in such current phrases as "dead broke," "dead ...

  6. Feb 18, 2011 · 21. Depends on context. "Good night" is generally reserved as a replacement for "goodbye". "Good evening" is a form of "hello". "Good evening" has historically been a way of saying goodbye as well, but in modern usage both "good evening" and "good day" used as a goodbye is almost always a form of dismissal rather than a mere parting ...

  7. Apr 15, 2013 · 1. For and in have almost opposite meanings. For indicates the duration that an activity occurs or a state exists: "Thomas Jefferson has been dead for two centuries." "He was in prison for two years." In means the duration before some event occurs: "I'll be there in a jiffy." "He was out of prison in two years."

  8. Apr 24, 2011 · Dinner – refers to a meal at night (after evening, 7pm to 10 pm). The size of the meal has little relation to the name. Though I'm sure that both Lunch and Dinner are fairly heavy. Tea is definitely only light snacks (a clear relic of the British rule). Brunch is also increasingly used for a lazy combination of Breakfast and Lunch !

  9. Mar 13, 2015 · 1. The origin of "at night" to indicate a point of time and the usage of prepositions "in" and"at". In olden times, when the time expression "at night" was originated, night might have been thought as a point of time in the day because there wasn't any activity going on and people were sleeping that time unlike daytime.

  10. 先说坏的再说好的吧,因为这游戏真是坏的有魅力,至少对我而言,前几百个小时我的游戏乐趣就是缺点带给我的。. 开说. 首先死亡之夜最为玩家所诟病的,也是我降低评价的最大扣分点——无法自给自足!. 作为一款生存游戏,玩家有极大的自由度,每一个 ...