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  1. Jan 25, 2015 · New Member. I'm reading "Pride and Prejudice" and I've come across this expression "the chief of the night". I don't know what it means and can't find its meaning anywhere. Could you help me out? "Elizabeth passed the chief of the night in her sister's room, and in the morning had the pleasure of being able to send a tolerable answer to the ...

  2. Mar 25, 2014 · I have just found that "chief" is a noun meaning " The most important or valuable part. " and it fits the sentence " Chief among these is competitors. Am I wrong, please?

  3. Jul 26, 2013 · Hello, I was wondering what a "chief funster" was. This expression is actually in the trailer of "the best jobs in the world" promoted by the Australian Tourism office. Is a "chief funster" a person responsible of the "fun" on the island?! thanks for your help! Kohsamet

  4. Oct 1, 2009 · What does "chief among" mean ? The sentence is : "Chief among these considerations is our view of what the deposit will worth in the future". My suggestion "La plus importante parmi ces considerations est notre vue sur ce que le depot vaudra à l'avenir".

  5. Aug 16, 2017 · What does "Chief Patron" mean in British English? The full sentence is like this: "Would you like to know the principal, perhaps only, advantage of being the Chief Patron of the English Bowling Association? My fellow patrons are frequently too old or too ill to meet." Is it something like...

  6. Jul 26, 2015 · HI! I don't quite understand when the phrase chief among which is used in English. I found some text which I think is useful for my understanding of this phrase. Is this usage idiomatic here? CNA provides underwriting, marketing, and servicing for its various companies, chief among which are...

  7. Nov 25, 2008 · Hi! I'd like to know what "editor-in-chief" and "executive editor" mean in the context of a journalism organization. Thanks!

  8. Jul 1, 2016 · Hi, ladies and gentlemen I want to use the plural form of editor-in-chief. How should I write please? Somebody told me that it's editors-in-chiefs, but I...

  9. May 29, 2020 · Sample sentences: A few factors contribute to juvenile delinquency. Chief among them is violence in the home. Background: When explaining the structure of “Chief among them is...”, I said it was an inversion, but one of my friends denied. Questions: [1] Is the word “chief” an adjective? [2] Is...

  10. Sep 26, 2006 · I would like to know the correct term in spanish for "case in chief". Definition: the part of a trial in which the party with the initial burden of proof presents his evidence after which he rests. Suggested Translations: Actos probatorios; Aduccion de pruebas. Any opinions?

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