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  1. 3 days ago · Funded through donations, the first architect of La Sagrada Familia, Francisco de Paula del Villar, planned for a neo-Gothic structure beginning with the crypt. Work started on the site in 1882, but Villar quit the following year after disputes with the project’s promoter. At this point, only the crypt had been built.

  2. 1 day ago · Gaudí worked for Francisco de Paula del Villar on the apse of the Montserrat monastery, designing the niche for the image of the Black Virgin of Montserrat in 1876. He later substituted Villar in the works of the Sagrada Família.

  3. 1 day ago · A year later, the famous architect Antoni Gaudí took over from Villar. And it's his signature that posterity will cherish. The young Gaudí radically altered the plans and architectural...

  4. 3 days ago · Aunque el arquitecto catalán Antoni Gaudí es reconocido por obras maestras como la Sagrada Familia, el Park Güell o la casa Batlló, solo una de sus construcciones fue galardonada mientras...

  5. 5 days ago · In May 1908, two unknown American businessmen with the dream of building a new hotel traveled to Spain to meet with the renowned Spanish architect, Antoni Gaudi.

  6. 3 days ago · Projectada entre el 1878 i el 1880 per Antoni Gaudí, va ser la seva primera obra d’importància, i sens dubte va causar una gran sensació entre el públic de l’època. Es va construir entre el 1883 i el 1885, quan Gràcia era encara un municipi independent.

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  8. 5 days ago · Antoni Gaudí era uno más de los arquitectos que embelesaban a la clase pudiente de Barcelona. Pasaba lo mismo con Enric Sangier (Casa Arnús), Adolf Ruiz Casamitjana (La Rotonda), Lluís Domènech...