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  1. FEMINISTS: WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? revisits those photos, those women and those times and takes aim at our culture today that alarmingly shows the need for continued change. Starring Laurie Anderson , Judy Chicago , Jane Fonda , Sally Kirkland , Lily Tomlin

  2. The waves of feminism remain an important and foundational concept in our movement’s history; by understanding the goals and focuses of these waves, we can understand what feminists in the West have fought for over the past centuries and how they have conceptualised the fight for equal rights and eradicating the patriarchy.

  3. How do scholars and activists employ contemporary feminism? What feminist traditions endure? Which are no longer relevant in addressing contemporary global conditions? In this interdisciplinary collection, scholars reflect on how contemporary feminism has shaped their thinking and their field as they interrogate its uses, limits, and reinventions.

  4. Despite her influence in the feminist movement, Steinem also earned criticism from some feminists as well, who questioned whether she was committed to the movement or using it to promote her glamorous image. The Redstockings also singled her out for agreeing to cooperate with the CIA-backed Independent Research Service.

  5. In reaction and opposition to stereotypical images of women as passive, weak, virginal, and faithful, or alternatively as domineering, demanding, slutty, and emasculating, the third wave redefined women and girls as assertive, powerful, and in control of their own sexuality.

  6. If you think feminism is a firmly established and respected concept globally, think again. ... 15 percent of both men and women agreed that they were feminists, while overall, 61 percent disagreed ...

  7. Marxism-feminism is a vital field with diverse voices and different political agendas for social justice, from the defense of land and water to the reorganization of production. The anthology Marxist-Feminist Theories and Struggles Today aims to grasp the originality and relevance of that tradition. The book represents a variety of ...