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  1. In sociology, the EastWest dichotomy is the perceived difference between the Eastern and the Western worlds. Cultural and religious rather than geographical in division, the boundaries of East and West are not fixed, but vary according to the criteria adopted by individuals using the term.

  2. Jan 19, 2017 · From the broad differences between East and West, to subtle variation between US states, it is becoming increasingly clear that history, geography and culture can change how we all think in...

  3. Oct 15, 2020 · This chapter reviews the cultural aspects of the East and the West. A wide range of differences between the East and the West is discussed in terms of the extrinsic and intrinsic differences. The extrinsic differences comprise architecture, the mode of clothing,...

  4. The relationship existing from the end of World War II between the USA and its allies on one side (the West) and the former Soviet Union and its allies on the other (the East). After the war the USA and the Soviet Union emerged as superpowers based on opposing ideologies, with global interests.

  5. In fact, when the Europeans started colonizing the Asian and African countries of the East, they made a division of the East and the West or the Orient and the Occident, or the uncivilized or the civilized. This is an imaginary geographical line, which is drawn between the East and the West. Such boundary between the East

  6. The East in the West Since the eighteenth century the social thought of the West has consistently sought out reasons why 'modernisation' should have taken place in Europe rather than in the East. That was the problematic of Karl Marx as it was of Max Weber. For the former, Asiatic exceptionalism put Asia out of the general line of development to

  7. Aug 24, 2021 · The conflict between East and West had its origins in diverging views of how society should be organised which emerged in the course of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century industrialisation: the contrast between the pluralism of ‘Western’ civilisation, which in principle permitted a multiplicity of ways of life and patterns of power ...

  8. Jan 8, 2024 · Among the many impacts of Russia's war on Ukraine, the most consequential may be in pushing the world in the direction of Three Worlds—the global West, the global East and the global South. One is led by the United States and Europe, the second by China and Russia, and the third by an amorphous grouping of non-western developing nations.

  9. Nov 2, 2023 · In the Chinese world order, “the West” has special meanings—from the simple geographical reference to cultural connotations. From the ancient Silk Road to the spread of modern Western learning to the East, the development of the Chinese...

  10. 2 days ago · Israel has occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem since the Six-Day War in 1967. Prior to this, the territories were under Jordanian control. What is an ‘occupation’ in international law? The most widely accepted definition of occupation comes from Article 42 of the “Hague Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex”,1907. It says that a “territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.”