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  1. Jakarta EE 9 lowers the barrier of entry to new vendors and implementations to achieve compatibility. foundation for innovation. The Jakarta EE 9 release is a key ...

  2. Jan 8, 2024 · The Jakarta EE is an open-source framework for developing web applications in Java or, as currently stated, cloud-native Java. Previously known as Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition), developed and maintained by Oracle through JCP (Java Community Process). However, a few years ago, more precisely in 2017, the Eclipse Foundation took over the project.

  3. Jakarta EE gives developers a comprehensive set of vendor neutral, open specifications that are used for developing modern, cloud native Java applications from the ground up. With Jakarta EE, technology developers and consumers can be confident they have the best technologies for developing cloud native, mission-critical applications.

  4. Jan 8, 2024 · Actually, the Eclipse Foundation legally had to rename Java EE. That’s because Oracle has the rights over the “Java” brand. So to choose the new name, the community voted and picked: Jakarta EE. In a certain way, it’s still J EE. *New name announced. This is still an evolving story, though, and the dust hasn’t completely settled.

  5. The Jakarta EE vendor-neutral community is currently at work to keep the back-end of enterprise java applications running in various industries. Products you may know - such as Jetty, Tomcat, Jersey and Spring - all rely on Jakarta EE technologies. The Jakarta EE Compatible products are implementing Jakarta EE Platform and profile specifications.

  6. Join the open source, enterprise Java community at the Eclipse Foundation's flagship developer conference, featuring presentations on Jakarta EE, Adoptium, and beyond. Our spec guides provide in-depth explanations about how Jakarta EE specifications work. Get code examples and learn more about what you can do with Jakarta EE.

  7. The Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP) is concerned with the Specification Process as it applies to Specification Projects operating under the purview of the Jakarta EE Working Group. The Jakarta EE Specification Committee hereby adopts the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process v1.3 (EFSP) as the Jakarta EE Specification Process with the following modifications: