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  1. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot (1727-1781) là nhà kinh tế học người Pháp, nhà cải cách, và là một trong những đại diện của khuynh hướng trọng nông .

  2. The French statesman, economist, and philosopher of history Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Baron de l'Aulne, was born in Paris. He began formal theological training in 1743, anticipating a career in the church. As a young scholar at the Sorbonne (1749 – 1751) he showed brilliant promise in several writings on the philosophy of history.

  3. Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Baron de l′Aulne ( 10. května 1727 v Paříži – 18. března 1781 tamtéž), často označován jako Turgot, byl francouzský ekonom a státník. Náležel k francouzské fyziokratické škole . V roce 1774 se stal ministrem financí francouzského krále Ludvíka XVI., pokusil se uskutečnit některé reformy ...

  4. May 14, 2018 · Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, baron de l’Aulne, French economic thinker, was born in Paris in 1727 and died there in 1781. His father had been prévôt des marchands (something like head of the guilds), and this led Turgot to an early acquaintance with the bourgeois sector of society and to an intense preoccupation with and a liberal conception of contemporary economic problems.

  5. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, (Pariz, 10. svibnja 1727. - Pariz, 18. ožujka 1781.), francuski ekonomist, političar te glasnogovornik i fiziokrat. Kao istaknuti enciklopedist je napisao mnogobrojne članke za Enciklopediju Denisa Diderota .

  6. Jan 1, 2017 · Turgot’s works were collected on three occasions: by his friend Du Pont (Turgot, 1808–11), by Daire and Dussard (Turgot, 1844), and by Schelle (1913–23) together with a biography and associated material. Few of his writings were published in his lifetime, but from 1788 to 1792 some of his major economic writings were republished by his friends Condorcet and Du Pont.

  7. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune. Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune (May 10, 1727 – March 18, 1781) was perhaps the leading economist of eighteenth century France. Although often put together with Francois Quesnay and the Physiocrats, his contributions were quite distinct and advanced considerably upon Physiocratic theories.