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  1. Learn about Franklin Pierce, the 14th US president, his dark-horse candidacy, his views on slavery, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

  2. A Bowdoin College-ban tanult. Ügyvédként telepedett meg szülővárosában, és már 1829-ben New Hampshire állam törvényhozó testületének tagja, majd elnöke lett. 1833-ban beválasztották a kongresszusba, ahol Pierce nemsokára mint a demokrata párt egyik kiváló tagja szerepelt. 1837-től 1842-ig a szenátus tagja volt. Az 1852-es demokratikus elnökválasztó gyülekezet Pierce-t elnöknek jelölte, és az 1852 decemberi választás alkalmával meg is választották. 1853 ...

  3. Jun 11, 2018 · Franklin Pierce's affability was even in college pointing the way ahead. After graduation, Pierce wandered through several law offices in search of training. At this time, his swashbuckling father was reaching the top of New Hampshire politics. Frank Pierce plunged into his father's partisan political campaigns with great zest.

  4. Oct 27, 2021 · Franklin Pierce served as the fourteenth President of the United States (1853-57). This guide provides access to digital materials at the Library of Congress, external websites, and a selected print bibliography.

  5. Franklin Pierce ( 23. listopadu 1804 Hillsborough, New Hampshire – 8. října 1869 Concord) byl 14. prezidentem Spojených států v letech 1853 – 1857. V době jeho prezidentství vzrostlo napětí v USA, které posléze vedlo k americké občanské válce .

  6. Franklin Pierce was the lackluster choice of the Democratic Party in 1852, nominated after 48 ballots. In a campaign devoid of issues—for example, both parties endorsed the Compromise of 1850—Pierce defeated the Whig Party nominee, war hero Winfield Scott. Challenges: Franklin Pierce had to deal ...

  7. Franklin Pierce, the 14th President of the United States, came to office during a period of growing tension between the North and South. A politician of limited ability, Pierce was behind one of the most crucial pieces of legislation in American history.