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  1. With Prometheus 2.0, the Protobuf format was marked as deprecated and Prometheus stopped ingesting samples from said exposition format. However, new experimental features were added to Prometheus where the Protobuf format was considered the most viable option. Making Prometheus accept Protocol Buffers once again.

  2. Enable Prometheus's dimensional data model to identify any given combination of labels for the same metric name. It identifies a particular dimensional instantiation of that metric (for example: all HTTP requests that used the method POST to the /api/tracks handler). The query language allows filtering and aggregation based on these dimensions.

  3. However, new experimental features were added to Prometheus where the Protobuf format was considered the most viable option. Making Prometheus accept Protocol Buffers once again. Here is a list of experimental features that, once enabled, will configure Prometheus to favor the Protobuf exposition format: feature flag.

  4. The Prometheus client libraries offer four core metric types. These are currently only differentiated in the client libraries (to enable APIs tailored to the usage of the specific types) and in the wire protocol. The Prometheus server does not yet make use of the type information and flattens all data into untyped time series.

  5. Metric and label naming. Metric names. Labels. Base units. The metric and label conventions presented in this document are not required for using Prometheus, but can serve as both a style-guide and a collection of best practices. Individual organizations may want to approach some of these practices, e.g. naming conventions, differently.

  6. Mar 19, 2019 · Prometheus metrics libraries have become widely adopted, not only by Prometheus users, but by other monitoring systems including InfluxDB, OpenTSDB, Graphite, and Sysdig Monitor. Nowadays, many CNCF projects expose out-of-the-box metrics using the Prometheus metrics format. You’ll also find them in core Kubernetes components like the API ...

  7. Mar 8, 2024 · Prometheus Metrics. First things first. The four types of metrics collected by Prometheus as part of its exposition format include Counters, Gauges, Histograms, and Summaries. These metrics are collected using a pull model where Prometheus scrapes HTTP endpoints that expose these metrics.

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