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  1. Gray hawks ( As­tu­rina ni­tida) range from the Ama­zon Basin in South Amer­ica into the south­west­ern United States. They are mi­gra­tory in the north­ern part of their range, ar­riv­ing in south­ern Ari­zona and ex­treme south Texas in the spring to breed, and oc­ca­sion­ally en­ter­ing New Mex­ico. These north­ern mem ...

  2. 19 types of hawks in North America The 19 types of hawks found in North America are the northern harrier, sharp-shinned hawk, cooper’s hawk, red-tailed hawk, northern goshawk, common black hawk, great black hawk, crane hawk, gray hawk, roadside hawk, red-shouldered hawk, short-tailed hawk, white-tailed hawk, harris’s hawk, swainson’s hawk, broad-winged hawk, zone-tailed hawk, rough-legged hawk, and the ferruginous hawk.

  3. Gray Hawks are extremely rare in Oklahoma but it is listed under the official checklist of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society as species that were seen in the state and supported by written documentation.

  4. Oct 25, 2022 · Keep reading this Gray Hawk Guide to learn how to identify, locate, diet and feeding, habitat, predators and much more.

  5. 13 Hawks in California – Picture and ID Guide Hawks are birds of prey and hunt and eat birds and small mammals, snakes, and frogs. They can see ultraviolet light, which helps them hunt down their prey.

  6. 11 Hawks in Alabama – Picture and ID Guide Hawks are birds of prey and hunt and eat birds and small mammals, snakes, and frogs. They can see ultraviolet light, which helps them hunt down their prey.

  7. Hawks in North Carolina (8 Species with Pictures) North Carolina is a lush state that is filled with all kinds of places that are ideal for birdwatching.