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  1. LM-102 - Legal and Social Science Research Methods | 2023. YLM-103 International Organisation & Human Rights. YLM-103 International Organisation & Human Rights | 2022. YLM-105 International Economic Law, Trade Diplomacy. YLM-105 International Economic Law, Trade Diplomacy | 2022. YLM-108 Corporate Management and Social Responsibility.

  2. Confectioners Material Co. Ltd. (1921) 3 KB 387 Wallis v. Patt (1911)AC 394 Baldry v. Marshall (1925) 1 KB 260 (CA) Doctrine of Caveat Emptor 34 Jones v. Just (1868) 3 Q.B. 197 237 35 Richard Thorold Grant v. Australian Knitting Mill, Ltd. AIR 1936 PC 34 243 Bristal Tramways v. Fiat Motors Ltd. (1910) 2 KB 831

  3. List of defaulters re. optional subjects. IIIrd sem (Click here) & Vth sem (Click here

  4. same under DRC Act, 1958 in the light of relevant case laws. 4. (a) State the effects of non-compliance of an order passed by the rent controller u/s 15(1) of DRC Act 1958 in a petition u/s 14(1)(a) of the said act. (b) Elaborate the circumstances under which the rent controller may give benefit u/s 14(2) of DRC Act, 1958 to the tenant. 5.

  5. 25. Special Reference No. 1 of 2002 (Re Gujarat Assembly Election Matter) (2002) 8 SCC 237 127 26. Anil Kumar Jha v. Union of India (2005) 3 SCC 150

  6. iv 2.1.5 Ex aequo et bono 2.2 Other Sources of International Law 2.2.1 Resolutions of General Assembly 10. Advisory Opinion of ICJ on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, 35

  7. LL.B. VI Term Paper – LB – 604 – Principles of Taxation Laws Prescribed Legislation : The Income Tax Act, 1961 Prescribed Book : 1. Vinod K. Singhania & Kapil Singhania, Taxmann’s Direct Taxes – Law & Practice