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  1. UNEASY meaning: worried because you think something bad might happen: . Learn more.

  2. Nervous is more often used to describe how you feel before you do something very important such as an exam or an interview, or something unpleasant or difficult. Nervous can describe someone's personality: a very nervous man is often or usually nervous; a worried man is worried on a particular occasion or about a particular thing.

  3. Slightly more uneasy is Carole Gray as Cliff's romantic interest, partly because Cliff himself doesn't exude sufficient lust to match her. Gibbon Chapter XX nwhyte 2010 The real reason why sexuality in the churches makes so many people uneasy is because it forces the churches to move into areas where traditional formulas and distinctions don't make things any clearer.

  4. more uneasy {adj} unbehaglicher: most uneasy {adj} unbehaglichste: uneasy about: unruhig wegen: 2 Wörter: Verben: to be uneasy: sich unbequem fühlen: to be uneasy: unruhig / ängstlich sein: to feel uneasy: sich unsicher fühlen: to feel uneasy: sich unwohl fühlen [unbehaglich] to feel uneasy: sich Akk. in seiner Haut nicht wohlfühlen [ugs ...

  5. UNEASE definition: a feeling of being worried about something: . Learn more.

  6. UNEASY definition: worried because you think something bad might happen: . Learn more.

  7. uneasy adj. (person: uncomfortable) inquieto, preoccupato agg. a disagio loc agg. Ann felt uneasy when her boss looked over her shoulder while she was working. Anne si sentì a disagio quando il capo guardò da sopra la sua spalla mentre lavorava. uneasy adj. (feeling: uncomfortable)