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  1. Millicom | Tigo - Leading the digital lifestyle

  2. Millicom International Cellular SA is a Luxembourg-based international digital telecommunications and media company. The Company provides a wide range of fixed line and mobile communications services, cable and satellite tele vision, mobile financial services and local content, such as music and sports, to both private and business customers.

  3. Mar 28, 2023 · Issuer: Millicom International Cellular S.A. Debt Level: senior unsecured Issue: USD 500 mln 6.625% bond/note 15-Oct-2026. 18-Jan-2024 BB+ Affirmed Long Term Rating

  4. Telekombolaget Millicom fick raketfart på börsen strax före klockan halv tolv på torsdagen, efter medieuppgifter om ett bud på bolaget, och handelsstoppades.Kort därefter bekräftar storägaren Atlas Investissement, grundat av telekommogulen Xavier Niel, budplanerna, som värderar bolaget till 44 miljarder kronor.När handeln släpptes på föll aktien tillbaka mot budnivån.

  5. Jan 25, 2023 · Millicom was the most discounted telecom stock in Latin America as judged by its enterprise value against its operating free cash flow, according to a research by JPMorgan in November.

  6. Millicom | Tigo - Leading the digital lifestyle

  7. Millicom | Tigo - Leading the digital lifestyle