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  1. Abebe Bikila (1960-09-10) by 1960 / International Olympic Committee (IOC) / United ArchivesThe Olympic Museum CHANGE-MAKERS While individuals may encounter difficulties in life simply because of their gender, skin colour, religion or country of origin, the Games, with the diversity of the athletes who take part, champion the right to be different.

  2. Summary. Abebe Bikila is an Ethiopian legendary marathon runner, the first African to win a gold medal and set a new record at the Olympics. In the 1960 Summer Olympic Games in Rome, to the surprise of many, Abebe run the marathon bare foot in the cobblestone roads of Rome, and set a world record. He then run in in the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo ...

  3. Aug 7, 2018 · On August 7, 1932, Ethiopian athlete and double Olympic gold medalist, Abebe Bikila, was born. He made history after running barefoot and winning the marathon during the 1960 Summer Olympic Games ...

  4. Abebe Bikila je postao nacionalni junak nakon pobjede u maratonu na Olimpijskim igrama u Rimu 1960, postavivši ujedno i svjetski rekord u maratonu u vremenu 2 sata, 15 minuta i 16.2 sekundi. Po drugi puta je triumfirao na Igrama u Tokiju 1964. Iako je svega 6 tjedana prije Igara imao operaciju slijepog crijeva, ipak je pobijedio ponovno s ...

  5. Abebe Bikila (født 7. august 1932, død 25. oktober 1973) var en etiopisk langdistanceløber. Han har vundet to olympiske guldmedaljer og har to verdensrekorder på marathon-distancen. Et stadion i Addis Ababa er opkaldt efter ham.

  6. Dec 22, 2015 · Born to a shepherd in a town 25 kilometres outside Mendida, Ethiopia, Abebe Bikila’s family was one of modest means. As he did not grow up with much, Bikila decided to help his family out with ...

  7. Abebe Bikila (1960-09-10) by 1960 / International Olympic Committee (IOC) / United ArchivesThe Olympic Museum CHANGE-MAKERS While individuals may encounter difficulties in life simply because of their gender, skin colour, religion or country of origin, the Games, with the diversity of the athletes who take part, champion the right to be different.